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j e n n i e ' s  P O V

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i rapidly blinked my eyes. this is not a dream right? as he comes closer i blinked my eyes again.

it isn't a dream.

i literally just wanted to punch a damn wall right now. out of all people in this world. him. it had to be him?? the hell god, what are you doing to me? my mind was going through so many emotions right now. why is he coincidentally appearing everywhere i go to every single time?!

"you'll be modeling with kim taehyung!" the photographer exclaims as he gets his camera ready. "i know you guys are.. exes.. but.. you guys are friends am I right?" he says with a smile as i give taehyung a really cold stare.

"mhm.. definitely! we're.. best friends!" i say with the most sarcastic & angry tone. he just looks at me with an emotionless expression, we both head over to the spot where he's going to take pictures of us in.

"alright jennie.. put your arm on his shoulder.. and rest your head on your arm." he says as i did what i was told to do. this made me so uncomfortable but i knew we were going to get over it anyway.. "alright perfect! now you two give me serious looks!"

the lights kept flashing repeatedly and the sounds of clicks kept going off. taehyung and i kept doing different poses. ones that were a bit too close, to the point where it looked like we were about to kiss. as the clicks of the camera started to slow down. it stopped.

"alright. you both are done! here's the pictures." he says as we both go over to the monitor to see our pictures. i sigh in relief, thank god that nightmare was done! the pictures were actually not bad.. but it just gives me flashbacks to when we were together.

(i do not own/claim this pic, credits to whoever edited this pic)

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(i do not own/claim this pic, credits to whoever edited this pic)

i'm guessing the photographer was satisfied with that picture, "thank you guys so much." he bows 90 degrees so we bow back to him in respect. "you guys are free to go now. good luck." he says with a thumbs up, taehyung and i smiled back as we headed back in the rooms that the stylists did our makeup and picked our clothes in.

i went inside the closet and took off the beautiful black gucci dress off. ugh.. i just wanted to keep that dress but i have like millions at home so it's whatever. i put on black adidas sweatpants and a hoodie. then i put my hair in a ponytail, not even trying to make it nice because i was tired as hell.

i then picked up my purse which was in the corner of the changing room. as i got it, someone came in and grabbed onto me.

it of course was taehyung.

my eyebrows furrowed but then as i looked at his beautiful facial features, my face gives off a relaxed look. everytime you look at him, it's like you get hypnotized..

he then gives off a smirk which sends a shiver down my spine. how come god created such a beautiful person like you, kim taehyung? "you still haven't gotten over me, have you?" tae's voice was soft and soothing. i gulped as i looked down, avoiding eye contact from him.

he then comes closer to me which leads me to bumping into the back of the wall. taehyung puts his hand on the wall, trapping me. he then puts his hand under my chin and lifts it up, making sure that my eyes were focused on him.

"you're the most beautiful creature to ever exist on this planet, jennie." he says as he caresses my cheek, i literally couldn't say anything because taehyung was making me feel a billion emotions right now. his face gets closer and closer to mine and he kisses me.

i can't believe i wasn't doing anything at all, but my senses were telling me to kiss him back so i did. we kissed each other so passionately, it brings flashbacks of the times we were together. i jump on his body and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"damn.. i.. missed.. you.. jen." he pants in between kisses. i haven't felt like this ever in my life.. it just seemed so right to do it. it kept going on for a good 90 seconds, i didn't know whether to stop or not, it was just amazing. i then pull away from him, realizing what i just did.

he brings me down from his waist, i could feel my cheeks heat up. i immediately got my purse and started to head out of the changing room but taehyung instantly grabbed my hand.

"jennie, wait."

i stood there waiting for his answer, it got silent for a bit.


"i love you.."

i didn't reply back so i pull away from his grip and started to head out of the changing room without saying anything, making my way towards the exit.

kim taehyung you're confusing as fuck.

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