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(dont play music yet)

blackpink house | 11:30 pm
j e n n i e ' s P O V

i hear my ringtone across the room, it was probably taehyung since i told him to call me when he gets to america. i get up from my bed, taking my phone off the table near me and lisa's bedroom door.

it was a facetime call from taehyung, i immediately press the accept button, tae's face appeared on the screen. "babeeee! hi! i miss you already!" he flashes a boxy smile, i see the back of a hotel bed behind him, he must already be in his hotel.

"taehyungieee, i miss you too.. how's america?" i say, jumping on my bed, burying myself in my newly washed blanket sheets. "jennieeee you might hurt yourself." his voice was full of aegyo, i roll my eyes at him. "aweee.. someone's over protective."

"yeah. i am. now go to sleep, namjoon hyung said to go to sleep." the tone of his voice turns serious, i groan. "yea, jendeukie. go to sleep." i hear namjoon shout, though it was kinda muffled. "first of all, rap monster, don't fucking call me that. second of all good night bitch."

"hEY!" i hear namjoon oppa shout, i roll my eyes, letting out a giggle. "okay taetae, i'm going to go to sleep.. good luck later tonight. c'ya on tv tomorrow morning. love you, good night."

"night jenjen, love you too." he blows a kiss, i flash a smile waving my hand. i ended the call, turning off the light beside me. i hear someone come inside the bedroom and it was lisa. "unnieeee."

i was just about to sleep until i heard lisa, i sigh as i sit up from my bed. "what is it?" lisa lays down right next to me taking out her phone. youtube was already opened on her phone.

"just watch this.. oh my godddd." lisa exclaims, her voice filled with excitement. she presses play on the video.

Jungkook Lifting His Shirt In Fake Love on loop for 5 minutes
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"love you so bad.."

"love you so bad.."

lisa starts squirming in my bed before jungkook lifts his shirt up, i roll my eyes giving her a death stare. "lalisa.. how many times are you going to watch that, it's 5 minutes too, what the hell? you're a creep!"

"iTS HOTTTT!" lisa says as the same video kept playing over and over since it was on loop. i groaned pushing the bright screen away from my face, "go to sleep lalisa!" i yell, covering myself with a blanket, trying to go to sleep.

"whatever.." lisa walks over to her bed, i still hear the music playing over and over again. but eventually i fell asleep.

bbmas | 7:50 pm
t a e h y u n g ' s  P O V

finally.. we're back and better at the bbmas, the boys and i sit in one of the front row seats that they reserved for us. "take pictures for the girls." hoseok says to all of us as we nodded.

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