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jennie' POV

i immediately look behind me.. and it was taehyung? i got up from the sand and looked at him so flatly. he came all the way here..? i backed away, my feet in the cold water. "jennie.." he says softly, i froze where i stood, not saying anything to him.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" i say with the coldest tone. by the look of his eyes there seemed to be a hint of sadness in them. "jennie.. i just.."

i shove him past me, heading towards the exit of the beach. taehyung grabs my hand and i try to pull away from his grip but his grip was too strong. "hear me out.. please."

"what are you even doing here in the first place, taehyung?" i furiously pull away from his grip and looked at him in fury. "tell me.. why? what the hell do you want from me? go back to your fucking girlfriend!" i scream as i pushed him, i turned around and ran back to my house.


his voice was heard behind me. i didn't look back, knowing that he was going to catch me. "just leave me the fuck alone taehyung!" i scream as loud as i can so my voice could be heard. as i got into the neighborhood, i could see my house from the distance.

i go to the front door but i can feel someone grab my arm and i land into someone's arms. knowing that it was taehyung, i instantly pushed him away. "get the fuck out and leave me alone!"

tears started to fall down from my eyes, i couldn't take seeing his face. yes, it still hurts. it hurts knowing that he's with irene. i look down because i didn't want him to see me crying. he wraps his arms around me, i just stood there frozen.

i hate to admit, but his arms wrapped around me are so comforting. it already gets dark and i look up at the sky. i get out of tae's grip and opened the door. my mom stood there, looking at tae and i.

it got silent for a good 3 minutes. my mom then gave tae a smile and gestured her hand for us to come in. "here, come on in!" she says with the sweetest tone, taehyung hesitated to go inside but he went inside anyway. i was just frozen, right outside of the house.. looking at my mom in disgust.

letting out a sigh, i slowly entered the house, closing the door behind me. "you know what..  i'm really tired.. i'm gonna head to bed." i head upstairs and slammed the door.

~ • ~
t a e ' s  P O V

as jennie's mom and i heard the door slam, i immediately bowed 90 degrees in front of her mom, paying my respects. "hello, mrs. kim.. i'm kim ta—" she lets out a laugh, which made me confused. i slowly stood straight up, sort of looking down at her since she was short.

"haha.. i know you, you're V from bangtan sonyeondan. you and my son's group are amazing, good job with your success!" she smiles as i scratch the back of my head, flashing an awkward boxy smile.

"thank you.."

mrs. kim bows her head and smiles. she really looks like jennie, but has namjoon hyung's smile. that's where he probably gets it from. she pulls out a chair for me to sit down in. i sit down as i thank her.

"do you want some tea?" she asks as she heads into the kitchen, "no thank you, mrs. kim.." i hear her let out a sigh as she brings a mug of coffee and sits down beside me.

it gets silent for a bit, "so.. what happened with you and jennie..?" she asks as i started to get nervous.. jennie's mom seemed like a sweetheart but yet i was scared to tell her.

"well.. it's a long story.."

i explained the whole story, telling her that irene and i were really just pretending to date because i was being forced.

"that's really.. unusual for sm and bighit to do that.." she says as she places her cup of coffee down, i nod my head in agreement. "i just wanna talk to jennie.. but she won't listen."

i felt her hand go on my shoulder, "taehyung, she'll eventually listen.. just try until you make it." she says with encouraging words, i gave her a slight smile. "hey.. uh.. i don't have anywhere to stay."

"oh.. you can stay here! you can sleep namjoon's room! it's across from jennie's.. here, I'll show you to his room." she says as she gets up, i follow behind her as we were heading up the stairs. i saw the room, it was dark.

"thank you so much, mrs. kim.. i think i should head to bed right now.. and you should too."

"oh, i'm fine! and you're welcome." mrs. kim smiles, "goodnight, taehyung."

"goodnight." i reply back, as she heads back downstairs. i close the door gently, trying not to make any noise. namjoon's room was pretty big, it was kinda like our dorm. at his nightstand, there was a picture of him, jennie and yoongi while they were younger.

they were so cute.. but I smiled at jennie. she looked the cutest. i lay down in namjoon's comfy bed and went to sleep.

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