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j e n n i e ' s P O V

i stormed inside the house, slamming the front door. i walk into the living room/kitchen area. jimin, rosé and lisa were sitting on the couch, laughing at each other until they saw me. "jennie! heyy!" jimin smiles, greeting me. i replied back with a wave, "how was your date with tae?" rosé asks in a teasing way.

i forced a smile, "it was great! now I'm going to go to my room now, I'm tired." i said with sweetness at first, but then the tone of my voice got colder.

i go in my room and slam the door, tears started to fall down. why was I so damn hurt? why did I even have my hopes up.. that was probably only a friendly date.

i hear the sound of the door open, i immediately wipe my tears and saw that jisoo unnie walked into me and lisa's bedroom. "hey, jennie.. what's wrong? how was your date with tae?" she closes the door, walking over to my bed, sitting next to me.

"it was great at first.. but.. it got horrible." i say with a hint of sadness, jisoo unnie puts her hand on my shoulder. "what happened?" she asked as i took a deep breath. my eyes turn watery and i feel tears dripping down my cheeks.

"unnie.. I'm sorry.. why should i even cry about this.." i wiped my tears as i glance at jisoo who gave me a frown. "you know.. i really had my hopes up. i thought taehyung actually felt the same way as i do.. but no, my dumbass had my hopes up." i say in a very hurt way, jisoo unnie hugs me, trying to comfort me.

i cried on her shoulder making her shirt a bit wet. "jennie.. it's okay to cry about these things. you must really like taehyung so much and that's why you're feeling hurt right now."

i forced a smile at her, but really i was still hurt. i thought he actually liked me.. he was really close with me and it actually seemed like he did.

i really should stop assuming things..

t a e h y u n g ' s  P O V
bts' apartment | 11:00 pm

i arrived back at the apartment, i went to me and namjoon hyung's room. i entered our bedroom and hoseok hyung and namjoon hyung shot their heads right at me. i can already tell they wanted to know what happened today.

"so.. is it official?" namjoon says with a smirk, i walk over to my bed and throw myself on it. i groaned, "namjoon hyung, i fucked up!" i clenched my jaw as i sat up. namjoon hyung and hoseok hyung narrowed their eyebrows at me.

"what did you do?" hoseok hyung asks, i looked at him with an annoyed face. "i didn't follow plan a. I'm sorry." i shout angrily as i both looked at the two from left to right. "you mean you didn't confess?" namjoon asks in shock, i stared at him coldly. "well i just said it!"

at this point i was pissed, "and i think she's fucking pissed at me too, she acted so weird after i tried to confess. like she wanted to go home!." namjoon hyung threw himself back on his bed and hoseok hyung gave me the 'boi' symbol.

"jesus tae, you really need to grow some balls. jennie probably likes you back! i mean, you see how upset she was?" hoseok says, i didn't reply, my eyes were focused on my phone screen.

"oh my god, Jennie's probably really upset right now and when she's upset, she starts to cry." namjoon says in a worried expression. i put my phone down and look at namjoon.

"call her then!"

he nods his head and takes out his phone. i hear the phone start buzzing. namjoon hyung puts his finger on his lips, telling us to shush. hoseok hyung and i kept quiet, waiting for jennie to answer.

"hello?" i hear jennie's voice, it seemed as if there was a hint of sadness in her voice. i looked over at namjoons phone. "hey, jen.. what's up with you? you seem upset right now.." namjoon replies, i hear jennie take a deep breath.

"can i tell you something?"

"what is it, jen?" he asks curiously, wanting to know what she wanted to tell him. hoseok and i were also interested in what she was going to say.

"are you with anybody right now? i only want you knowing this."

"i'm alone jen, just tell me." he says impatiently.

"i like tae.. a lot. today i was expecting for him to confess to me. it even seemed like he was, but no, he didn't. i can't believe i had my hopes up." jennie says upsettingly, the three of us looked at each other in complete shock.

i should've confessed to her.. my god tae you're so stupid. "jennie.. i'm so sorry that he had your hopes up. do you want me to come there tomorrow?"

"n-no.. it's fine.. anyways im really tired. i'm going to bed. goodnight love you."

"good night, love you too jen."

he hangs up the phone and instantly turns his head towards me. "see tae! I told you! you really need to grow some balls, bro." he says as he flicks my forehead, i glared at him.

"that's the reason why she was mad i'm guessing." i facepalmed, "i mean there's other days tae.." hoseok says, trying to make things positive when things can't be positive at the moment, i groaned and threw myself back on my bed. jennie probably fucking hates me right now.

"yea.. hey, we all should go to the theme park this Sunday. bang pd-nim gave us our break and i know the girls don't do anything on sundays.

"and i heard there were fireworks too." hoseok hyung says brightly, i smirk to myself.

i know what to do..

"his mood changed." namjoon points out, i roll my eyes. "whatever.. i'm going to bed, it's 11:45 right now."

"alright guys, good night." hoseok waves at us as I laid down on my bed. he exits our room.

"well tae, what're you going to do now?" namjoon hyung asks as he looks over at me, i gave him a smirk.

"you'll see."

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