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third person POV

what the hell?! taehyung thought as he shot up from the bed, sitting beside jennie. his headache got worse, he started to rub his temples to try to ease the pain, but it didn't work. he saw lisa on the other bed with the same bunny blanket sheets he slept in.

rays of sunshine were peaking through the blinds though it was still dark in the room. taehyung was so confused. how did he get here? he tried to remember what happened.. but he couldn't.



taehyung went up to the bartender and kept asking for more and more drinks until he felt dizzy and couldn't even feel anything.

"it feels so good.." he said to himself, his words slur, giving off a smirk. taehyung started to lose balance and headed for the exit. his vision was very blurry, he couldn't see a thing.. until a person came up to him. that's all he could remember.

*flashback over*

he wasn't feeling well at all, his body felt very heavy and sore. it really just felt like a remedy for his broken heart. he examined the sleeping jennie beside him and her cat like features.

she's so beautiful.. tae thought to himself, he shook his head, getting out of his daydream. his cheeks flushed a light pink, rethinking about what he thought to himself. taehyung stroked Jennie's hair softly, trying not to wake her.

his lips curled as he just kept staring at jennie. she looks like an angel when she's sleeps.. she's so cute.. he thought, Jennie's eyes start to flutter open. taehyung jerks his hand away from jennie.

"t-tae..?" her voice is raspy as she wakes up from her sleep. she rubs her eyes, sitting up and stretching. "u-uh.. j-jennie.."

her eyes immediately widen as she sees tae and herself together in the same bed. "t-tae! u-uhm.. i c-could explain.." it got very awkward, at this point jennie was blushing so much tae actually found it kind of cute.

"okay.. so here's what happened."

*a bit of a mature scene ahead, but no smuts tho. if you aren't comfortable, skip*
2:45 am
j e n n i e ' s P O V

my eyes start to flutter open as i hear the sound of me and lisa's bedroom door opening. i rub my eyes and it was taehyung, still drunk. "jennieeee..." taehyung says, his voice is still slurred, i got up from my bed.

"tae what are you doing here?" i whisper-shout, even in the dark i could see him flash a mischievous smirk. he didn't answer but just quietly giggled.

i facepalmed as he grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall. "t-tae..?" i say as he gets closer to my face. my cheeks feel over 100 degrees, i could feel my heart beating so fast.

he put a strand of hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek. i could still see his beautiful dark brown irises. he just stared into my eyes and started to bite and lick his lips, i looked down at his lips and I think my cheeks turned even redder than before.

i couldn't take this anymore, my heart was beating so fast, but i was frozen, hypnotized by his beautiful eyes. i heard lisa's soft and cute snores. good thing she's still asleep.

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