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t a e h y u n g ' s P O V

after seeing that post just made me think.. what the hell?? i fucking can't believe Irene.. how could she do this to me??

"oh my god is that kim taehyung??" i hear a girl scream, oh god.. don't look back, tae.

"oh my god it is!!" another girl replies, i hear them chasing after me. "taehyung oppa!!!" i run so fast because fans are already chasing after me. i see a taxi in the distance, i start waving my hands and the taxi stops. i immediately open the the door and close it shut. the fans started banging on the window.

"taehyung oppaaaa!! i love you baby!!"

"where do you wanna go sir?" the taxi driver asks, i sigh as i put on my mask and hoodie.

"sm entertainment please."

the car starts to drive quickly away from the fans. all i could think about was that post. i knew there was something going on with her.. i can't believe she would fucking do this to me.. i thought she loved me?

tears start to form in my eyes but i immediately wipe my eyes to prevent them from falling down. i look back at my phone.

3 missed calls from jungkookie
2 missed calls from jennie

i sighed looking at the notifications on my phone, i wasn't even in the mood to call them back. i went back on instagram and saw that most of my explore page was filled with sehun & irene posts. my heart started to hurt so much..

"we're here." the taxi driver says, i nod my head and give him some change. "thank you." i open the car door and saw the big building in front of me.

i always go here so everybody of course recognizes me. i take off my hoodie and mask. i went to the person at the desk. "is irene here?" my voice is soft, she nods her head. i bow to her, giving her thanks and went in the elevator and pressed the 5th button.

the doors open and there was a hallway of rooms/dorms. i saw red velvets dorm and went over to it and knocked on the door with anger.

the door opens and it's seulgi. "ah.. taehyung..! hey..! what's up?"

"let me see Irene." i say with a cold tone, seulgi's eyes start to widen. "u-uhm.. shes not here."

"then why did the person at the desk tell me that she's here?" i yell at her, she seems to be speechless. i barged in their dorm looking for Irene's room. i hear voices inside.. it sounds like irene and a boy.. seulgi comes up to me. "you can't just barge in!" she says, i give her the coldest stare ever and open Irene's door.

as i opened the door, my heart immediately started to hurt..

j e n n i e ' s  P O V

why would taehyung just run off like that..? where could he go? the three of us start to worry..

"um.. guys." lisa said as jungkook looked over at her. "what?"

"just look at this.."

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