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j e n n i e ' s  P O V

it was morning so i got up from my bed and headed downstairs. the house smelled so amazing. i think my mom was cooking breakfast. i really missed my mom's cooking so much. i head downstairs and saw my mom and taehyung having a conversation.

"ah.. good morning, jen!" my mom says as she gets up from her seat and heads into the kitchen. i glance over at tae who's slightly smiling at me. i immediately look away from him and head towards the farthest seat away from him.

i rest my head on my arm, my eyes felt so heavy since i was so tired. my mom hands me a plate of pancakes which looked so delicious. "thanks, mom." i say as i get a bite of it, it was so amazing! taehyung and my mom just looked at me with a happy expression.

i rose a brow, with the fork was in my mouth. "what?"

"nothing. you're just cute." taehyung says as i rolled my eyes, getting another bite of the pancake. "anyways, this is so good, mom!"

"hah, you should thank taehyung, he made it!" she says with a pleasant tone as my eyes start to widen. i push the plate away from me and get up from my seat, opening the sliding door to the backyard. "i'm not hungry.. i'm just gonna sit outside for a while."

"alright, i'm gonna go get ready for my work." my mom says as she gets up from the seat and heads upstairs. as i got outside, i closed the door. but then by the time i got outside, taehyung of course, had to follow me out!

i let out a groan as i just froze where i stood. "what do you fucking want for the last time?!" i shout as taehyung didn't respond or say anything. "like i said, you have irene right? why don't you fucking go back to her?"

"well would you at least let me explain jennie?!" he shouts as i turned around, looking at him with an angry expression. "what is there to explain, taehyung?! what?"

he lets out a sigh of stress as he covers his face with his hand. "oh my god.. you're something else." i hear him mumble as i just kept staring at him coldly, "you can't even fucking let me explain! what are you?"

"what am I? what are you?! how dare you fucking disappear for weeks and leave me to find out that you've been cheating on me!" i yell as i let out a fake laugh.


"i can't believe i fucking dated you in the first place!" he blurts out but then realizes what he said, leaving him wide-eyed. my heart shattered into a million pieces, i tried to hold back my tears but they all just came out.

taehyung's face gets softer as he approaches me but i block his way with my hand. "don't.."

"jennie.. i.."

"I SAID DON'T! WHY DONT YOU JUST FUCKING GO BACK TO IRENE!" i scream as i let out a sob, taehyung tries to put his hand on my shoulder but i immediately push it away.

"just fucking go and don't talk to me ever again."



taehyung then gives me a cold glare. god this man has to fucking change his expression in 2 seconds. "fine, have it your way! you never even listened to me anyways." he says angrily as he storms off to the sliding door, heading inside.

i drop down on my knees and started to cry my eyes out. i've never cried this much in my entire life.

did i really just fuck up, should i have listened?

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