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the next day | 4:30 pm
j e n n i e ' s  P O V

i zip up my suitcase and make my way out of me and lisa's bedroom. as i get into the living room, i put it next to the front door. i exhaustingly go over to the couch and throw myself on there. "ready to go?" rosé asks as she gets done cleaning the dishes.

i let out a sigh as i stared at the ceiling. "yeah." i get up from the couch and head over to the front door. "i'll be outside for a bit.. can you hand me my coffee please?" i ask as i point over to he coffee cup that was right by the sink.

rosé looks at the cup and hands it over to me. i grabbed it as i gave her a little smile. "thank you." i say as i open the door. as i got outside, it was really breezy and cool. the weather was actually nice today, the sky was pretty clear. i let out a sigh of relief as i headed inside the greenhouse, plopping myself down on the chair.

i took sips of my coffee, enjoying the warmth of it. flashbacks from yesterday just kept flooding my head. i place my cup of coffee down and felt as if i were on the verge of tears. jennie.. come on, you can do this.. just get him off your mind.

taking in a deep breath, there was a very loud knock on the gate. my head instantly shot at the gate. i groaned as i drag myself over to the gate. namjoon's here already? ugh.. why can't people just knock for fucks sake?

i unlocked the gate and as i opened it..


no.. the fuck? what is he doing here? he looks like he doesn't have any balance and his eyes were so bloodshot. "jennie.." his words were slurred, i stood there in disgust, closing both of the gates on him but he pushes it forward.

"the fuck are you doing here? GET OUT!" i scream as it sounded as if i were on the verge of tears. tae goes up to me and pulls me into a hug. i try to get him off me but he didn't let go, he was too strong.

"why did you do that to me, jennie?" he sobs as the smell of the alcohol filled my nostrils. i just felt like crying right in front of him. i eventually get him off me as i saw tears coming down his cheeks.

"oh.. OHHH! you wanna know why i did that? you probably forgot why, taehyung! you fucking cheated on me! don't act like you didn't!" i shout as tears fall down from my eyes, tae frowns as he comes up to me, "my baby is cryingggg..."

knowing that he was drunk, i pushed him away from me. "go back to your fucking girlfriend now! you don't need me!"

"b-but jennie.. i—"

"YOU DONT NEED ME ANYMORE TAEHYUNG, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" i scream as the girls come out of the house. "jennie!" lisa runs up to me and stand right beside me, looking at taehyung.

"KIM TAEHYUNG." jisoo unnie storms right to taehyung and slaps him across the face. "HOW DARE YOU FUCKING CHEAT ON JENNIE!"

"ohhh.. kim jisoo in your area.." lisa mumbles to rosé as rosé gives lalice a dirty look and slaps her in the arm for her immaturity.

taehyung stands there in guilt as he rubbed his cheek. "jennie!" i see hoseok, yoongi and namjoon enter the gate. "oh my god, jennie.. i'm so sorry." hoseok says as he puts tae's arm around him. i quickly wipe my tears away, my voice started to shake. "n-no.. you're fine, hoseok oppa."

hoseok quickly takes taehyung into the car and drops him into the backseat. "are you alright?" namjoon asks as he goes up to me, rubbing my shoulder. i hugged him, burying my face into his shirt. they all started to get silent as my sobs were only heard.

"jennie.. come on.. cheer up." he says as he pats my back, i pull away from the hug and looked down, not wanting to see anyone. "i-i don't want to see him at all.."

"hoseok, take tae back." yoongi shouts as hoseok nods his head and gets into the drivers seat. we all watched the car as it started driving away. "guys, we all should go inside." rosé says as she gestured her hand for all of us to come inside.

we all followed behind the girls and made our way into the warm house. we all sat on the couch, it got pretty silent. i rested my head on my brother's shoulder. "s-since when did they start dating?" i ask as it gets even more silent. namjoon and yoongi glanced at each other.

"ah.. i have no idea but we only found out yesterday." yoongi says, i gave him a weird look because he was acting pretty strange and so was my brother. i decided to let it slide so i turn on my phone and saw that it was 5:15.

"guys.. we should get going." i say as i get up, namjoon and yoongi we're still sitting down. "hoseok isn't here yet though." jisoo unnie says as i look over at namjoon who gets a text. he looks over at his phone and saw that he got a text from hoseok.

"he's here.. let's get going, jen." my brother and yoongi gets up from the couch as they go to the front door, putting their shoes on. the girls followed us to the front door and watched as we put our shoes on. i grabbed my suitcase as all of us give each other hugs. "have a safe trip, unnie!" lalisa says as i smile, i open the door and head out.

"bye everyone!" i say with a fake smile, the three of us head out of the entrance of the house and went out the gate, heading into the car.

the girls waved at us as the car slowly drove away from the house.

he's still affecting me.

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