[45] END

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(dont start music)
t a e h y u n g ' s  P O V
lotte family concert
5:40 pm

"forever young boy so we ride or die." lisa rapped jennie's line with such charisma. thinking about jennie just brought back so many flashbacks. it hurts just thinking that i haven't even gotten the chance to actually talk to jennie.

everyone could tell that namjoon and i were so off the past few days. the person we loved the most almost would've been gone. i feel someone pat me on the back, i turn my head around and it was yoongi hyung. "taehyung." he says with a small smile.

i look away and doze off looking at the ground. "hey, it's gonna be alright..  just know that jennie won't be like this for long, 'kay?" he says as he pats my back giving me a slight hug, i lean my head onto his shoulder.

"thanks.." i say, trying to fake my happiness. "what's up with namjoon?" i ask as yoongi let's out a sigh, letting go of my arm. "he's not himself. it must've got to him since that's his little sister.."

i nod my head in agreement, namjoon and i can relate to this situation so much. it's not the same without jennie.

"guys, come on.. we have to go." jin says as he gestures hand to go on stage. the girls had been done performing so they're just going to stay on the room we're in and watch us.

we saw the girls walk into the room and they just greeted us with slightly no emotion. they must've been affected too. "good luck." jisoo says with a fake smile as she gives us a thumbs up. we all smiled at her and went out on stage.

j e n n i e ' s  P O V

"my goodness, jennie.. are you alright?" wendy asks as she brushes my hair back, i nod my head and smiled at her. "of course.. i'm fine."

"alright guys, we can't tell any of the girls or bangtan about jennie, okay?" irene says as the girls nodded their heads. "since we're heading there already.. where are we gonna hide jennie?" seulgi asks as irene and i glanced at each other, not knowing what to do.

i put my hair in a low ponytail and thought of something. "joy, you brought a hoodie, right?" i ask as she nods her head, rummaging through her purse as she gets out a red hoodie. it matched with my red dress.

"okay i'm gonna put this on and just stay backstage, okay?" the girls nodded their heads in agreement. the car stopped so im guessing we're here at the place. "alright we're here guys." yeri says as she opens the door so we could get out and head inside.

we all headed inside the place, i put on my hoodie so people wouldn't recognize me. as we entered the place, i heard my brother's iconic, "why you sad, i don't know nan molla." line. i then saw the girls from the distance, just watching the boys on the big screen tv. they didn't seem like theirselves at the moment..

i then followed behind the girls and sat down on the fuzzy black couch. the makeup artists started to cake up red velvet's faces. as i kept watching bangtan, the song ended and the rest of the boys, except taehyung, went backstage.

the whole place went silent for a moment until taehyung got out his microphone and said, "i.. just wanted to say something.."

"you all know that.. jennie got into that accident. and.. i just miss her very much.." he covers his face and the audience starts saying "awww." seeing taehyung like this hurts.. i never want to see him like this and i just want to give him the biggest hug.

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