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t a e ' s P O V

my eyes start to flutter open, the light from the outside literally made me feel like i went blind. i rub my eyes and wake up to a beautiful sunny and shitty morning. i still felt very hurt after what happened yesterday. thinking about her just makes my heart ache so much.

i got my phone from the nightstand and looked at my hideous reflection from my phone screen. my eyes were completely bloodshot & red. i sighed, things are just not the same anymore. i hear the doorknob twist and the door opens.

"hey.. tae." jimin says as he walks in with a plate of toast, i don't reply, continuing to scroll through my instagram. he places the plate of toast on my nightstand. i glance up at it and looked back at my phone.

"taehyung." he says my name as i glanced up at him, he gives me a slight smile and i just stared at him with sadness. "do you wanna talk about it?"

i turn my phone off and stared at the wall. "tae. answer me, do you want to?" i look at him with teary eyes, i close my eyes trying to prevent the tears to fall down. "jimin, it fucking hurts, bro. it just does." i sat up with my face buried in my knees.

jimin gives me a hug, "taehyung, you deserve someone ten times better. i can't believe she just cheated on you like that."

the word "cheated" just makes my heart hurt even more. "taehyung come on.. you need to eat." i look over at the plate of toast and reach out to get it. "thanks jimin." he nods his head.

"tae, I'm gonna go now. next me if you need anything." he gets off my bed and waves at me, i wave back and i'm finished with my toast. i place the plate back on the nightstand and went on my phone.

ugh.. i just need someone to talk to.. a person pops up in my head. it's jennie.

j e n n i e ' s  P O V

i looked at the time on my phone and it was 9:58 AM. ugh.. i'm too lazy to get up. lisa and rosé went to go grocery shopping and i think jisoo is still sleeping. i was hella bored until i got a facetime call from tae. wonder how he's doing. i answered the call.

"hey.. taehyung!" i wave at the screen. "hey.." his voice is raspy, he didn't show his face but only showed himself giving the peace sign.

"how are you doing?" i ask, he starts to groan. "terrible." i sighed, "taehyung, let me just say this.. many people have probably said this to you but i know you'll find better. i mean who wouldn't date the one and only kim taehyung? you have such an amazing personality and such great visuals and I'm sure someone out there is willing to be with you."

he shows the camera to himself and flashes one of his cute boxy smiles but it seems to have a hint of sadness. i frowned a bit seeing this then smiled a bit. "thank you so much.. jennie. you actually kind of made me feel better. thank you so much."

"don't mention it tae, I'm always here for ya if you need me."

his smile gets wider, i start to admire the screen because he looks so cute.. jennie kim, what are you saying? i hear sounds of bags and footsteps come in the house. "jennie unnie! jisoo unnie we're home!" i hear rosé holler.

"taehyung, i'll call you back in a bit.. rosé and lisa are back from grocery shopping."

"o-oh.. okay, bye." he says sounding like he doesn't want me to go. i smile at him then ended the call.

8:40 pm

the night sky was very pretty today so I decided to go on a walk to get some fresh air. the air was quite cool and breezy. the streetlights were very colorful and gave me a little aesthetic vibe. i looked up at the night sky and the stars were visible.

i see a drunk man who seems to lose his balance in the distance who looks about my age that was walking towards me. i got a closer look of him and..

it's taehyung?!

"taehyung?" i yell as i ran up to him and straightened his posture, i looked right into his eyes and they looked very bloodshot.

"j-jennie.." he hugs me tightly, crying on my shoulder. the smell of alcohol filled my nostrils,
"taehyung.." i say softly, i put his arm around my shoulder and start to drag him back to blackpink house.

"shit, tae! you're so fucking heavy!" i yelp out, tae seems to be asleep.

we finally got to the gate of blackpink house. i go through my pocket and get the key to the house. the pink gate opens.



once again, i slowly drag him up the stairs. it was so hard to drag him up the stairs since he was hella heavy. we finally get to the entrance of the house. i open the door and sigh with relief.

"finally.." i say with exhaustion, i throw him on the couch and sat down on the couch beside him, laying my head back. after a few minutes i feel someone's hand grab my arm. i let out a scream, closing my eyes shut.

i slowly opened my eyes.. holy shit..

i was on top of taehyung..

one of his eyes were open and the other was closed. he gave me a mischievous smirk. i observed his handsome features, my god he's so handsome..

"you know jennie.. you're hella fine." his words were slurred even though i understood it. i could feel my cheeks turn pink. "u-uh.." i immediately get off of him but his hand is still attached to my arm.

"t-tae.." i stuttered as i roughly pulled my arm away from his hand to loosen his grip. i run to the kitchen getting a big glass of water.

"jennie! are you okay?" jisoo walks in the kitchen looking worried, i nodded. "i'm fine, unnie." i reassured her as i walked over to the living room lifting taehyung's head up. "here drink this.. you'll get dehydrated."

i held the cup as tae chugs down the water. as he finished the water, he immediately fell asleep on my arm. "jennie, whats taehyung doing here?"

"ah.. he was.. drunk so i brought him here." i say as jisoo unnie comes up to us and sits down beside me. "he still must be heartbroken." jisoo states, i looked at her, nodding my head.

"right.." i look down at the sleeping tae right beside me, he looked so peaceful and angel-like. i got up from the couch and took the glass cup. i went in the kitchen and placed it in the sink.

"unnie, can you please get a blanket?" i asked as i walked towards the living room, "sure." she says as she gets up to go to the closet filled with blankets.

minutes later, she comes back with one of lisa's extra bunny blanket. jisoo places it over taehyung. i go to the light switch and turn of the living room lights so tae could sleep peacefully. jisoo and i head for our rooms.

"goodnight." we both said to each other as we entered our rooms, the room was dark so im guessing lisa was sleeping. i turned on my phone flash to see where i was heading.

i jumped on my bed and went under the bedsheets, i closed my eyes and dozed off to dreamland.

8:00 am
t a e ' s  P O V

shit.. my head hurts like hell.. i opened my eyes and.. wait. where am i? i look around and see someone right next to me..


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