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j e n n i e ' s  P O V

i wake up to the sound of voices.. it was hella strange on how i woke up in a completely different room.. my heart starts to beat so fast because i have no idea where i am. there was a door a few steps away from the bed so i started to head out the door.

but wait.. i start to hear very loud breathing and soft moans.. "the hell is going on..? where am i?" i mumble to myself, slowly opening the doorknob. as i opened the door, i literally could hear my heart shatter into pieces.

"t-taehyung..?" my voice is soft, he was literally making out with his ex-girlfriend that cheated on him and beat me up.. irene. guessing he couldn't hear me because he was too busy with.. her. tears start falling down my cheeks,

"taehyung!" i scream furiously, stomping over towards him and pulling him away from irene. i gritted my teeth and slapped his face as hard as i could. he just stood there with his eyes widened.

"you fucking bitch! how dare you!" i scream, rapidly punching his chest. i couldn't take it anymore, i dropped down to my knees and starting sobbing. "jennie.. i should have said this earlier.. but.. i don't love you anymore."

those words just stabbed me right through the chest. "i don't love you anymore." it kept replaying in my mind over and over. i completely lost it.. i started to scream.

i shot up from my bed and start screaming. i look around and I'm guessing it was just a dream.. my heart starts beating so fast that I start sobbing. the door opens wide and i saw.. my brother?

"jennie!" he shouts, running into the room, he sits on the bed right beside me. looking into my eyes he says, "jennie.. you're crying.. what's going on." namjoon says in a worried tone as he put his hand on my shoulder. i looked down and started to sob.

"namjoon.. i.. had a d-dream.." i choked on my words leaning into his chest, still sobbing. "awe.. jennie.. what happened?" namjoon says hugging me as i wipe my tears.

"it's.. taehyung.."

t a e h y u n g ' s  P O V

"it's.. taehyung.." i hear jennie across the hallway, my eyes widen as i hear my name. i quietly walked over to jennie and lisa's bedroom to see who jennie was talking to. it was namjoon hyung. i stood near the doorway because i knew she was still mad at me.

we haven't talked to each other for about three days. the group and i just got back from america so we decided to visit the girls. jennie seemed to be crying.. i wonder why.

"in the dream.. taehyung just.. betrayed me. he left me for irene and they started making out right in front of me... i just.. i.."

jennie breaks down completely, burying her face into namjoon's chest. hearing this sent waves of sadness down my spine. i would never cheat on jennie. she's the only person that makes me happy and i love her so much. i would want to give her the biggest hug right now and tell her i love her so much..


ugh.. i can't. she's still mad at me.

"jennie.. from what I know, taehyung would never ever do that to you. i've known him for a very long time, once he falls in love with someone, he's in love with them and cannot get rid of his love for that someone."

jennie doesn't reply but her sobs start to die down, she looks up at him and gives him another hug. "thanks namjoon.. i'm going to go freshen up." she says getting up, i immediately start walking away from her room so she doesn't find out that i was eavesdropping.

j e n n i e ' s P O V

as i got done moisturizing my face, I slowly opened the door.. but.. someone pushes me in the bathroom. i gasped as i fell back on the floor. that someone shuts the door and locks it. i get up from the ground, but as i get up, i was pinned to the wall.

already knowing who it was, i looked up at the tall figure's face.. taehyung, of course. i roll my eyes avoiding eye-contact with him. "jen.." he says softly, my god.. his deep voice is so soothing that it sent shivers down my spine.

i gulp as he brings his hand under my chin and lifts it up to where he could look at me directly in the eyes. "answer me jennie." he says seriously, i just kept ignoring him. but then his lips crash onto mine. at this point, i just froze completely. i couldn't even move a single muscle.

but then.. i slowly kissed him back. at this point we were so into the kiss we forgot to even let each other breath. but we couldn't stop. it was just so amazing..

he pulled away, taking his hand off the wall and started caressing my cheek. i looked into his sharp eyes, literally feeling hypnotized by his gaze. "what now, jennie?" he says in the most sexiest tone ever. i look away, ugh.. i should just get over it already.

"taehyung.. i'm sorry for my immature attitude. i really should have trusted you. anger got the best of me. i.."

he places a finger on my lips, "jennie.. stop. it isn't your fault.. it's the shippers fault. let's just get over this, kay? i love you so much jennie, you don't know how much i do.."

he hugs me tightly, my heart starts racing. i always have this feeling when he's with me. "taehyung.. i love you so much too and i missed you."

he looks down at me, giving off his rectangular and boxy smile. he starts to peck my forehead so many times. "taehyungggggg."

"what?? i just missed my baby.."

we both giggle, "let's get out of here before someone finds out we're here." taehyung says, i nod my head, agreeing. i open the door to see the whole group standing outside the bathroom.

"aWEEE YOU GUYS ARE GOALSSS." hoseok screams, taehyung and i felt so embarrassed. "so.. what were you guys doing in there?" jimin gives off a smirk, putting his arm around rosé. "in fact, baby.. we should do what they just did there." he looks at rosé, rosé narrows her eyebrows at him and slaps him on the shoulder.

"park jimin!" she shouts as he rubs his shoulder, taehyung narrows his eyebrows at him too. "you fucking shortie.. GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

"oof.. gotta run!" jimin shouts as he runs down the stairs, taehyung starts running after him.

i join in the crowd as we saw the two start running around the house.

we all just laughed at them.

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