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j e n n i e ' s  P O V

"hey jennie." a deep voice said behind me, i turn around my head back and it was tae. "oh taehyung-sunbae—"

"you can drop the formalities on all of us, it's alright." he lets out a chuckle, i gave him a little smile. "so how's you and Irene?" i ask, he flashes a smile but it doesn't seem to be genuine.

"oh.. we're great!" taehyung said, i rose a brow & nodded my head. "well that's great to hear.."
he nods his head. i see yoongi & namjoon oppa come over towards us. "hey guys!" namjoon says, i smiled at him and then looked at suga. he seems really familiar.

"oh jennie, remember yoongi?"

yoongi... that name seemed familiar. wait.. he's from my childhood! "yoongi? you mean yoongi from our childhood?"

"yep that's me!" yoongi replies, my expression gets brighter. i missed him so much, it's been so long. "oh my god really? i can't believe i didn't remember you. how have you been?"

"i've been great. just tired 24/7, been doin' my job y'know." he sighs and smile after, i pout my lips and nod my head. "ah that must suck." i let out a little laugh and he smiles. "heh, i guess."

"so.. i heard taehyung, jungkook and jimin are fanboys of us. who are their biases?" i give a little smirk, he lets out a sarcastic laugh.

"oh, okay. so let's start off with jungkook.. his bias is lisa." he flashes a smile, my eyes widen.

"awe i ship them together, they're the cutest."

"oh yea, jimin's bias is rosé and tae's bias is you."

"yoongi hyungggg!" tae pouts so cutely, yoongi, namjoon and i start laughing at him. "it's okay tae.. in fact you're also my bias." i wink at him, he looks really uncomfortable now so I start to laugh.

"oh man, taehyung, why are you blushing?" i hear jin's voice in the distance, hoseok and jisoo walking by his side.

"the hell do you mean?! i'm n-not blushing!" tae gives off sass, yoongi rolls his eyes.

"there he goes with the stuttering." my brother said. jeez, they really love teasing taehyung a lot.

"guys i'm kidding, I'll always be his bias but of course Irene is his ultimate bias." i say casually, the rest of bts (except tae) and jisoo start laughing.

tae snaps his fingers and points at me, "damn right!" we both let out a chuckle.

"so basically what you're saying is jennie's your side chick and irene's your main chick." yoongi says, tae's eyes widen and he goes over to yoongi and playfully smacks him on the shoulder.

"no yoongi, what the fuck!" tae says angrily, we all laugh at his joke. "y'know i think I'm good yoongi." i say as he gives me a smirk.

i look over at taehyung and he seems distracted, i can't tell that he's not being himself tight now. "hey.. tae! where's irene?" taehyung looks over at me and shrugs. "i don't know." he says in such an expressionless voice.

"o-oh.. okay." i say as i walked next to jisoo.

j u n g k o o k ' s  P O V

lisa, jimin, rosé & i walked up the stairs, which seemed like it took a million years. "alright guys.. we have to be quiet." lisa looks back at jimin and rosé as she whispers. the two both nodded their head. she also looks at me and i nod my head.

"awe you shouldn't have!" a very familiar feminine voice said, we hid behind a big rose bush and peaked our head on the side of the bush. irene was on the balcony.. with.. sehun?

they were being all touchy with each other. the four of us look at each other in disgust. "guys, guys look!" rosé points out, the rest of us look back at them. we all widened our eyes to see something that we just wanted to unsee.

they started to make out.

"guys.. let's get out of here!" jimin whisper shouts, the three of us nod our head and we quietly went down the stairs.

t a e h y u n g ' s P O V

where the hell is irene? why does she seem to be ignoring me. she normally would be with me right now but all she said was hi to me and she just disappeared. i sighed as i rested my head on my hand which was on the table.

hoseok hyung taps on my shoulder. "hey, what's up with you?" i looked over at him and forced a smile. "oh, it's nothing, i'm alright." hoseok just gave me the bitch face stare, "taehyung, i know you're lying. tell me, what's wrong?"

i sighed and looked at the table, "it's.. irene.." hoseok raises a brow, "what do you mean?" i shrugged my shoulders, i didn't want to reply. "taehyung, c'mon.. what's going on?"

"since september.. it's like she's been trying to avoid me. it seems like there's no problem with us because i make it seem like there isn't but there really is." i say with my voice full of sadness, hoseok puts his hand on my shoulder.

"hey.. just forget about her for now, okay? let's just have some fun." he says as he takes his hand off my shoulder, i nodded my head and we both got up and went to jennie, jisoo and the rest of BTS.

"heyy, tae! what's up? where have you been?" namjoon hyung asks, I lie and say, "oh i was with baekhyun." i look over at hoseok who was clenching his jaw at me.

i hear footsteps coming towards our little group and it was jimin, jungkook, lisa and rosé. "oh hey.. hyung!" jungkook says that gave me suspicions of him, i forced a smile since i was in the shittiest mood. "have you seen Irene?" i asked.

jungkook widens his eyes and looks at jimin, "oh.. no, I haven't why..?" i rose a brow and crossed my arms, he was acting really strange. something was happening, "what is it jungkook.."

jungkook looks at jimin, they look speechless. "umm.. jimin hyung dropped your three favorite gucci belts in the toilet!!" my eyes widen as jimin glares at jungkook.

"what?! i did n-"

i look at jimin with fury, "oh shit i gotta run." jimin starts running as i start running after him.


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