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j e n n i e ' s P O V

it was the next day.. the thought of yesterday was still was in my head.


i don't even know anymore.. my heart belongs to taehyung.. but why would yoongi tell me this now? i sigh as i walked down the cold city streets, i tried to find the store so i could buy my medicine. i was sick from yesterday, so i was all bundled up in the cold weather today.

i found the store and went inside. the air was warm as i got inside, it felt nice since i was sick. i rushed to go to the medicine aisle. there were various types of medicine along the aisle.

"hmm.. where is that thing?" i say to myself as i look up and down the aisle. there it is.. but it's to high up to get it since i was short. i tried to jump to get it, but then i saw someone's long fingers grab it so easily.

"here.." a very familiar voice says as the voice had a hint of coldness in it. i turn around as i bow my head, "thank you." i then looked up to see that it was..


my eyes were in shock after i saw him. flashbacks from yesterday were kicking in.. i didn't want to be here for long. "yoongi oppa, it was nice seeing you! i have to go! byee!" i rush as I try to head to the cashier, but then he instantly grasps my arm.


"jennie, stop trying to run away from me." he says with no emotion in his voice, i hear him take a deep breath so i turn around to face him. "what yoongi? you wanna go ahead and explain what you did yesterday?" the tone of my voice gets more angrier and angrier.

"jennie.. i'm sorry for that." he says with a hint of sadness, i glared at him, "sorry is all you can say, huh?" i pulled his grip away from my arm. i crossed my arms, still giving off that glare to him.

"alright jennie.. i couldn't take it anymore. yesterday.. i was drunk. you know that.. i didn't know what got into me jennie.. i know you're completely disgusted because of what i did.. and i'm sorry for that, i really am. and knowing that you belong to tae, i understand now.. so jennie, can we please just be friends? even like brother and sister."

my expression towards him gets softer, i then gave off a slight smile. he gives me a curious look so i slowly went up to him and hugged him. i immediately pulled away, "i forgive you yoongi. of course, we already are friends."

he lets out a small laugh. despite the cold vibe that he gives out, he's such a warm-hearted and soft person. "jen, you look so unwell right now.." he says looking at me with a worried expression, i rub my red nose and gave him a weak smile.

"yoongi.. i'm fine.." i start to cough and he crosses his arms. "i'm gonna take you home, alright? are the girl's home?" he asks, i shook my head.

"rosé and lisa went to your apartment to hangout with jungkook and jimin.. and namjoon, jisoo and jin are at the mall like always." i say, as he nods his head.

"i'll take you home jennie, don't even refuse because you're sick.. and namjoon would kill me if something happened to you." yoongi scratches the back of his head, i laugh at his statement. "fine, yoongi.." i roll my eyes, he doesn't give a response so we head over to the cash register.

i rush to take my money out but i couldn't find it. "crap.." i whispered to myself, i hear yoongi rummage through his pockets and he gets out his wallet and pays for my things. i just stood there gawking at him. he then gives me a smirk.

"enjoy, have a nice day!" the cashier said, handing my things to me. yoongi and i headed out the door. "thanks yoongi.. but why did you freaking pay?!" i say, slapping his shoulder gently. he continues to focus on where his car was parked with a smirk on his face.

"jennie, you forgot your wallet.. how can you pay?" he lets out a small giggle, i roll my eyes as i swung the bag. we got to his car and i got in the passenger seat. the drive was about 5-7 minutes away so the car ride was silent the whole drive.

we got to blackpink house and yoongi parks his car near the driveway. yoongi and i got out of the car and headed to the gate.. i unlocked it so we both went inside. i take out the key for the house and unlock it. as i tried to unlock the door, it locked again..

someone must've came inside the house? maybe it was jisoo unnie because my brother, jin and her would probably come back here. "did something happen?" yoongi asks, i shook my head and unlocked the door. we both came inside to see..


he just looked at both of us in disgust.

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