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time skip
3 months later..

it's been three months since they've become really close friends. as time passes by their bond gets stronger and stronger. jimin and rosé's relationship is doing pretty well. but what about taehyung and jennie? we'll find out about that soon..

t a e h y u n g ' s  P O V

1:10 pm | bangtan apartment

i sit down on the couch beside namjoon hyung, "hey what up tae." he says cooly as he drinks his cup of tea. "nothin really I'm just bored.. i'ma go text jennie." i pull out my phone as i lay down on namjoon's lap.

"sooo.. are you ever gonna ask my sis out on a date?" hyung says as my head instantly shot up at him. "you want me to go on a date with your sister?" he casually nods his head and takes another sip of his tea.

"i mean you're over irene, right?" he asks, i looked at him in a very weird way and slowly nodded my head. "of course i am." he softly elbows me in my arm, "hey, where's the confident tae who could talk/ask someone out easily?"

"right here of course!" i pointed to myself, namjoon giggles. "now that's the spirit, call her or I'll do it for you." he gives me a very mischievous smirk, i gave him a cold stare.

okay let me be real here..


yes, i do like jennie and namjoon hyung is the only person who knows.. but why don't I have the guts to even ask her on a date? what's up with me.. my hands start to shake as I see her contact name. i quickly pressed on it and her phone probably started ringing at this point.

"well?" hyung says still giving me that mischievous smirk, man.. I just wanna rip that thing off his mouth. he does it purposefully just to annoy the hell outta me. i tell him to shush very loudly. "hello?" i heard someone say over the phone.

"oh. uh. jennie! hey what's up?" i say trying to act normal, i do hand motions telling namjoon that he's probably going to be dead meat after our call. he still has that smirk on his face, casually sipping his tea like nothings wrong.

"nothin really what about you?" she replies, i gulped, looking at namjoon. at this point i was nervous.

"so.. are.. you doing anything?" namjoon gives me a thumbs up, he mouths the words "yea taeee, you go."

the call went silent for a bit. "uhm.. no i don't think so, w-why do you ask?"

namjoon hyung places his cup down and whispers in my ear. "she already knows that you're gonna ask her out on a date, that's why she's acting very strange."

"uhm.. b-because.." i look at namjoon for self confidence..


the call went completely silent for about 15 seconds.

"sure!" she says cheerfully acting like nothing even happened, i was literally shocked. namjoon mouthed the words "told you so" i slap his shoulder. "alright I'll pick you up at 4:00?"

"alright, I'm gonna go now tae.. see ya later."

i hang up the call. at this point I don't even know what to feel anymore. "namjoon hyung."
he has all ears on me, "fuck you.. but at the same time, you're the mfn best." we gave each other a high five.

"alright i have a plan.. you should take her out to fun places and then I'll reserve a whole restaurant that's in a garden. it's really nice there and that's one of Jennie's favorite places." namjoon says acting so professional, a garden restaurant?!

i was shocked at hearing these.. "hyung.. you really d—"

"hep, hep. it's fine.. and do you wanna win jennie's heart before someone else does?"

"yes of course i do!"

"alright then you're going to have to confess to her tonight."

i just completely froze where I stood. confess?! nah.. i don't know if i could do that.. "well.. tae?"

"namjoon.. i don't know if i could.."

"kim taehyung. grow. some. balls! you asked out Irene before.. you're asking out jennie, what's the difference?" he says loudly, trying to motivate me. "i-i don't know.. its hard."

"whatever. you're going to confess whether you like it or not."

"fine. namjoon hyung. FINE."

"alright then we'll start planning more things out." namjoon says, i just stood there uncomfortably.

maybe i really should confess to jennie..

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