Chapter 3

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As we drive through the city towards the outskirts of it, I notice the cafe. It is small and has the words 'Fiona's' written in fancy letters, along with a cartoon of a coffee cup along the side. When we pull in we see a tall dark haired boy standing at the door. He had beautiful brown eyes and perfect style. He was wearing a black semi ripped t-shirt with dark blue jeans and black vans.

"Hey babe!" Calum says as Olivia runs to hug him.

"Hey Cal, theres someone I want you to meet!" She says pointing to me. "This is Alia, she just moved here and we became friends today. She's already met Ashton." She says excitedly.

"Hi I'm Calum. How much has Olivia told you?" Calum asks shaking my hand.

"Well not much, now that I think about it, I've just been talking about myself. I do know that you're in a band, I also know that you're friends with Ashton who I met as well."

"Well why don't we find a seat inside and we can all get to know each other some more?" He does a cheeky smile and holds the door open for us.

When we walk inside we take a seat in the first booth we see. Calum and Olivia sit on one side and I'm on the other.

"So there's been a lot of talk about me today, tell me about you Cal."

"Well there's not much to know, but I guess the main things are, I'm in a band, pretty much my only friends are the guys in the band, and-"

"I'm not on of your best friends?" Olivia looks up at Calum annoyed.

"Yes, Olivia you are my best friend." He sighs sarcastically and smiles at her.

She chuckles and Calum continues to ask me about myself and how my first day was. I give him all the details I gave Olivia and how I ended up in Australia in the first place.

"So you met Luke, Ashton, and me, have you met Michael? He's the other member in our band."

"No just the three of you, but I only actually met you and Ashton. Not Luke so much, and I've never heard of Michael." As I begin to think of Luke my stomach starts to flip. He was an asshole to me, why couldn't I stop thinking about him? I mean so what if he was cute, he was rude.

I don't know if what it is about Luke that makes me stomach flutter whenever he comes in a room or I am reminded of his name. I tell myself it's just a crush. I mean I had only seen him once and a half. The first encounter we had I didn't even really get a full glimpse of him. And the second he didn't even talk to me. How could I already be developing a crush. Especially on someone who seemed to not have liked me already.

"I'll introduce you to Michael tomorrow, he's our guitarist. And should I introduce you Luke? it sounds like you guys haven't actually met.." He trails off seeming confused.

"I don't know, it doesn't exactly seem like he wants to be introduced to me." I reply awkwardly.

"I wouldn't take what he did in the hallway personal. He can be a jerk when he's not having a good day. He'll be fine tomorrow, I really want you to meet us all. And if he gives you anymore shit, ill set him straight." He says with a comforting smile. When he assures me that Luke isn't always like that I feel a little better.


Later Olivia drives me home and we exchange numbers. I go up to my room and start to unpack my bag, pulling out any homework I had that night. I hear my phone buzz and look at the unfamiliar number.

Hey it's Ash,
Olivia gave me your number :), hope that's okay.

I smile at the text. It was nice to have already three new friends by already the end of the day. I know three isn't a lot, but I already felt comfortable around all of them.

Well, most of them.

I reply to Ashton's text:

Hey Ash :), of course that's okay. What's up?

We continue to text back and fourth for a while. Later my sister Ella comes in my room and greets me, as she usually does before she goes to bed.

"Hey Al, I heard you made some new friends!" She says excitedly, throwing herself onto my bed.

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised myself. Wait, how'd you know?" I lay next to her scrolling through Netflix shows.

"Dad told me you were coming home late cause you made new friends. Honestly I don't know how dad lets you just go out with friends and doesn't even question it, especially people he hasn't met before."

"Remember that I'm older than you. You'll get this when you turn 17." I nudge her arm and chuckle, I was always jealous of how popular my sister was, but she was always jealous of all the freedom I had.

"So tell me about your friends and your first day."

I tell my sister everything I had been talking about basically all day. I tell her that overall I thought it was a good day. In a way it was. Although, I couldn't stop thinking about Luke. My friends were eager for me to get to know him, yet it seemed he didn't care to get to know me.

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