Chapter 10

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We spent the rest of our night sitting on my porch swing talking. I learned a few things about Luke, turns out we have a lot in common. We have the same sort of family situation. One parent and siblings, even though he has two brothers and I have a sister. We also like the same music and are both equally funny. Okay, Luke might be a lot more hilarious than I ever could be.

"I know this is kind of a bad time to bring this up, but have you talked to Ashton?" I ask nervously.

"Well yes I talk to Ashton everyday." He says with a slight smile.

My hands intertwine with his and I'm suddenly filled with sadness when I remember I haven't told Ashton yet. "I'm serious, like does he know anything about... this, us?"

"I like the sound of that." Luke looks up at me and smiles.

"What, telling Ashton?" I ask confused.

"No, us. I like the sound of that. And why would you be worried about Ashton knowing?"

I had completely forgotten I hadn't told Luke about Ashton having feelings for me, as well as me thinking I might have had feelings for him too. Although the feelings for Ashton could never compare to the ones I had for Luke.

"I should probably tell you, Ashton really likes me. He's been really sweet to me ever since I got here, we went on a couple dates. I thought I had feelings for him too but turns out I didn't. The whole time I knew I really liked you. I just don't want to hurt Ashton with this, or loose his friendship."

Luke doesn't say anything for a moment and his hands let go of mine. "Why didn't you tell me that before?" His voice is stern.

"I wanted to find the right time, and then while we were talking tonight I was so happy and completely forgot." I stop for a moment waiting for Luke to say something. He doesn't. "Luke I want you." I say reaching for his hands again.

Luke starts to get up and head for my driveway. "Um, I'm gonna go home for the night. I'll see you tomorrow." He says.

"Wait Luke please don't leave, what's wrong?" I ask concerned. I don't know what happened to this conversation.

"I just gotta go home!" He yells back angrily. He gets in his car, slams the door, and drives off.

All I could think to myself was that I should have kept to myself. I shouldn't have told him about Ashton. I should have just handled it myself. I just felt like he deserved to know.

A tear falls down my face and the door suddenly opens behind me. "Hey Al, you okay? It's late." My sister says worried.

I didn't want to talk to her, or anyone at this moment. I just wanted Luke to come back and talk to me again.

"I'm fine." I say as I push past her. I head to my room and hold back the tears. When I get into my room, I fall onto my bed and let the tears fall. I knew I would screw this up.


The next day I see all my friends by Calum's locker. I really didn't want to talk to them about anything so I put on my best fake smile. Luckily there was no sign of Luke there. Although, a little part of me wished he was there.

"Hey babe! What's up?" Olivia says throwing her arm around me.

They all look at me as if they have exciting news. "Not much, whats going on?" I look at them confused.

"Well we got a pretty big gig this weekend! It's our first one!" Calum yells excitedly.

"Really! That's amazing guys!" I give them a big group hug along with a huge smile.

"We expect you'll be there?" Ashton says.

"Oh you're coming! Calum got us back stage passes along with front row seats! It's gonna be at the pier!" awOlivia yells.

I chuckle and go in for another hug with Calum. "Aww of course I'll be there! I'm so proud of you guys!"

After all the excitement I remember that I still haven't seen Luke. I didn't know if it was going to be awkward if I saw him. Who knows if he was going to ignore me, pay more attention to me, or pretend nothing even happened.

On our way to class I spot Luke hanging out with someone I haven't met before. It was another boy I didn't recognize. Obviously the boys didn't either.

"What's Luke doing with Nick?" Michael asks no one in particular.

"I don't know, I guess he's allowed to have other friends besides us." Ashton chuckles.

"Yeah but he hates Nick, or anyone on the football team for that matter." Olivia says loudly.

"Why does he hate them?" I ask staring at Luke while he talks to the mysterious boy. Even though I couldn't hear him I could imagine his voice, his perfect voice.

For a moment no one answers the question. "His ex cheated on him with a bunch of guys on the football team, Nick was one of them. So naturally Luke hates them all." Ashton says.

My heart drops when Ashton finishes his sentence. I've heard about his ex before and I never liked the sound of her. But my biggest worry was that Luke wasn't over her, whoever she was.

"Oh... That's rough." Is all I can manage to get out.

Olivia pulls me away from the group so they won't hear whatever it is she has to say. "Sorry hun, we didn't want to bring that up in front of you. Of course we all know about all the drama with you and Luke, well accept Ashton."

"It's okay." I say blankly, now looking back at Luke.

"Lets go to class, maybe try to get your mind off things."

As we walk away I look back at Luke one more time. This time he looks back and makes eye contact with me. Butterflies fill my stomach. I give him a small smile but he doesn't give one back, and instead looks away.

"Um, Liv I'm gonna go talk to Luke." I say bluntly.

She nods and continues to walk to class. I still hadn't told her or anyone else about Luke coming over last night.

"Um Luke can I talk to you?" I look at Nick hoping he'll get the hint I want him to leave.

"Yeah what's up?" He replies.

I hadn't really thought it through what I wanted to tell him so I said the first thing that came to mind. "So um, about last night... are you okay?" I ask nervously.

"I'm fine. I just needed a break to think about it." He replies looking at the floor.

"I get it. Do you still mean everything you said last night?" I say softly while I also stare at the floor.

"Every word. I'm sorry I just took off, I just didn't know what to think when you said you may have had feelings for Ashton too."

"Luke I told you, I thought I did but I know I don't. And even when I thought I did, I knew the whole time I just really wanted you. But then again you seemed to not be so fond of me so I never did anything."

Luke reaches for my hand but I pull away. "Luke I think we should talk more before we make this a public thing." I say.

Luke looks back up at me, "Okay" is all he says. Before I can say anything else he starts to walk away. I could tell he was upset again. But I didn't run after him this time. I knew Luke wouldn't cooperate easy and it would be even harder during school.

Hi everyone!! Sorry I haven't uploaded anything in a while... Things have been really busy lately. But i'll hopefully be writing more this week and I'll have a few chapter uploaded! :)

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