Chapter 9

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After school I decided to meet up with Michael at Fiona's. It had suddenly become our group hang out spot. I wanted to meet him there so he could help me figure out what to do. I still needed to tell Ashton the situation, I still needed to figure out my feelings between Ashton and Luke as well. Things are spiraling way more than I needed them too.

"I don't know what to do. One minute I find myself having these feelings for Luke. And when he tried to explain himself to me earlier, I really really wanted to say yes to him taking me on... well what I assume would be a date?" I go off confused, talking to myself more than Michael.

"Al, I'm one of Luke's best friends. I can figure out what he's after. He's tough to crack but if he wants to just fool around with you stay clear of him. But if not, Al I think it would be good for him and you."

"What makes you say that?" I ask shoving the burger I ordered in my mouth.

"Because well, it would be good for you to get along with all of our friend group. And it would be good for Luke because he's had a... hard relationship in his past. Which I think is the reason you might always see him around with different girls. It's his way of coping. I think if he actually had feelings for you, he would be so different. In a good way of course"

For a moment I don't say anything and just fiddle with my fingers. "But what about Ashton. If anything happened with Luke and I, I feel like he'd be heartbroken. I can't do that to him."

Michael grabs my hands and looks at me. "I agree with you, he would be."

"Thanks Mikey you know just what I wanna hear!" I say sarcastically.

He chuckles and continues to give his point. "You didn't let me finish, what I was gonna say is that yeah Ashton would feel bad, but he'd get over it. I think in the end he just would wanna see you happy."

I sigh and sink in my side of the booth. "So what you're telling me is that either way I'm hurting someone?"

"I think either way you gotta do what's best for you."


After Michael dropped me off at my house, I went to my room to do a little homework. I was about fifteen minutes into doing homework when I get a knock on the door from my dad.

"Someone's here to see you. Care to tell me who?" He says in his usual dad tone. Obviously one of my boy friends was at the door.

"Um well considering you opened the door I was hoping you could tell me?" I chuckle.

"Who's Luke?"

My smile drops and I can't help but roll my eyes when he says the name. Why the hell is Luke at my house now?

"Someone I have to work on a project with at school. I'll just talk to him on the porch." I lie.

I run down stairs and open the door to Luke. I take a step outside and close the door behind me so we have semi privacy. Who knows which one of us will start yelling first tonight.

I step outside and see Luke looking down, holding his hands in front of him.

"Um hi?" I manage to get out, sounding awkward and confused.

For a second he doesn't say anything. After an awkward moment of silence he looks into my eyes.
"Alia, I can't stop thinking about you. Ever since you came to school and my friends introduced you to me, I haven't been able to do anything without the thought of you." He is out of breathe by the time he finishes his sentence.

"Um-" before I can even think of something to say he continues.

"I know, I was a jerk. I know I can't make up for it, but I'm willing to do anything to try. I was a jerk because I knew if I got to know you I was going to get even more feelings for you. And it scared the hell out of me Alia, I've had strong feelings for someone before and it-" He suddenly stops and takes a deep breath. "It just. It didn't end well. And I didn't want to risk that with you. And all the times I kissed you, I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't not kiss you. I understand if you don't feel the same, and I don't expect you too. But I really needed to tell you this."

He looks into my eyes when he finishes talking. I had so many things going through my mind, but the one thing I knew is that I just wanted to run into his arms and kiss him.

That's exactly what I did.

Our lips collided, his hands were gripped tightly around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My hands gently running through his hair. Our lips together felt perfect, like they were two separate puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together. His hands would run down my back, through my hair and back to my waist. Mine switched between his neck and his hair.

In the moment I couldn't even stop myself from kissing him, and I didn't bother to try. I didn't know if anything he said was true. But whatever it was, Luke had me hooked.

When I finally pull away we rest our foreheads on each other. My heart was pounding, so many thoughts filling up my brain, I was feeling so many emotions.

Although, the one thing I promised myself I wouldn't do, was fall for Luke.

Well shit.

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