Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my sister jumping on my bed and yelling in my ear. "ALIA! You're gonna be late for school get up! I've already told you four times!"

I looked over at the alarm on my phone which said it had gone off a bunch of times. It was currently 7:55 and school started at 8:00. Crap, I must have been seriously tired last night. I don't even remember how late I stayed up talking to Michael.

"Oh shit! Sorry I don't remember how late I was up last night. I'll be down in a few." I say slowly dragging myself out of bed.

"Just hurry I have a project due today and it's first period!" My sister yells halfway down the hallway.

I really wasn't feeling like making myself look cute today so I quickly throw on black leggings, a pastel blue and pink tie dye t-shirt, and my white slip on vans. I also throw my long hair in a high, messy pony tail.

Halfway through brushing my teeth I hear my sister calling for me to hurry up. "Shut up I'm coming!" I grab my favorite grey San Francisco hoodie and head out to leave.


When I walk into class I see Ashton's adorable smile and head for the empty seat next to him. I also see Olivia who is sitting with Calum on the other side of Ashton.

"So are you gonna tell me what the hell happened?" Olivia whispers to me.

"First of all not here, second of all how the heck do you know?" I whisper confused.

"Girl my boyfriend is best friends with Michael and we're all best friends with you, shit travels fast. And why not here? I need to know like now."

"Because of Ashton. I can't tell him. I'm surprised he some how hasn't even found out. And if you know what happened through Michael why are you asking me?"

"Because I don't wanna play games of telephone and I wanna hear it from yo-" Olivia is suddenly cut off by our teacher. Neither of us realized we were being obvious with our whispering. Or probably talking at this point.

"Olivia, Alia, care to share with the class?" Our teacher asks. We both nod our heads and stop talking.


After class Olivia, Calum, Ashton, and I walk to our study hall when I suddenly see Luke. Not just Luke, but him with his arms wrapped around a girl I've never seen before. She has medium length brown hair, dark makeup, and a lip ring, just like Luke's.

After I realize I've been zoning out of the conversation Ashton pulls me back in. "Al, how long have you been zoned out?" Ashton jokes.

I quickly take my gaze away from Luke and his little friend and move my eyes towards Ashton's. "Sorry I'm a little out of it today." A small fake smile spreads across my face.

I felt really weird seeing Luke with that girl. Just yesterday he had kissed me, then asked to meet up with me, and now he hates me again and he's with another girl.

I hated hating Luke one minute, and thinking I liked him the next. I needed to start thinking of him as just the boy in a band. I can't take not knowing what's coming next with him.

Olivia breaks me from my thoughts and bring me back to reality. "So can you tell me what's going on now?"

"Yeah, I'll tell you on the way to class."

On our way to study hall I tell Olivia everything that happened last night. Which she is just as shocked and irritated as I was. If even possible, more irritated.

"So he just asked you to meet up and then started acting like an asshole to you? Are you kidding? You should have called me I'd come and kick his ass!" Olivia throws her arms in the air as she speaks. She was always loud when she spoke, but it was her ability to be outgoing about everything that made me love her.

"You were on a date with Calum. I didn't wanna bother you." I shrug my shoulders.

"You can always bother me! I don't care if I'm with Calum, if you need me then you need me. And you know both Calum and I would be there for you in a heartbeat. I don't love Calum having friends that are girls but for you it's definitely okay." She nudges my arm and smiles.

"I know." I chuckle. "Thank you, from now on I just need to get away from Luke as long as I can. I'm tired of being his punching bag."

"I support whatever decision you make."

"Thanks Liv, I'm gonna go to my locker I think I left my history homework in there."

On my way to my locker the halls are empty and quiet. Occasionally someone walks by, every person making me flinch. Last time I was in the hallway I saw Luke. Even though it was planned, I didn't want to run into him.

Luckily the way to m locker was clear and I'm able to get what I need without disruption.

Until I start walking and my things fly to the floor.

I look up to see Luke standing in front of me. "What the hell!" I say bending down to pick up my stuff. Of course it was him, who else could it be.

"Shit sorry." To my surprise he bends down to help me pick up my stuff.

"What are you doing?" I ask annoyed.

"I actually was looking for you."


"So you can yell at me for god knows what reason?" I snap.

"Look, I'm sorry about how I've acted, okay? I can explain everything if you give me the chance."

"I've given you a chance and that didn't work out. So no, I'm sorry but I don't wanna hear it." I say trying to push past him.

"Tonight. Dinner, please? Fiona's at 6:00?" He's now holding lightly onto my shoulders. Obviously to try to keep me from running away but showing he's not going to stop me if I try.

"No Luke. Don't give me your shit! I already went through this with you. And I saw you with that other chick earlier! I'm not gonna be used like the rest of the girls you probably fool around with." 

"She's just one of my friends! Please Alia let me explain."

"Yeah Luke she's a friend. Do you always make out with your friends?"

"Alia I don't want her, I really like you. I want you! I know I've been a jerk, I know we barely know each other. I know it's been weird and I haven't been fair to you but I really like you. I just need a chance, let me explain everything." He is now holding my hand from me trying to walk away.

For a second I look at him and then look down at our hands. The grip loosens and I pull away.

"No." I reply calmly and begin to walk away.

Even though Luke had an explanation I didn't quite believe it. Maybe he was serious and sincerely sorry. But I didn't want to keep playing these games and I knew if I were to continue on this path, that's all it would be. Games.

Hi everyone! Sorry I have been gone for a while. I got back from vacation and I've been working ever since. Although, I'm now working on more chapters for you guys so thank you for being patient. Stay tuned! :)

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