Chapter 18

11 1 4

4 years ago

"You have to visit your mom Alia." My dad says turning down the car radio.

I didn't look at him. Instead I kept looking out the window with a sour look on my face. "I don't want you to go as much as you don't want to go." He continues.

I looked at him with annoyance. "Well it's pretty simple dad, don't make me go! This whole shared custody thing is bullshit! I have no reason to see her. " I snapped.

"Hey! Don't use that language! There's nothing I can do about it right now Alia. I'm trying, I really am." He replies in a stern voice. "Look, I've been there for you through all of this. You see why I divorced your mother, and I'm trying to get full custody. You just need to be patient."

He lets out a long sigh and I don't say anything. I continue to stare out the window, trying to hide the tears that are falling down my face.

We pull up to my mother's house and I instantly wipe the tears away.

Pull it together.
Pull it together.
Pull it together.

"Daddy, where's mommy?" My eleven year old sister asks.

"Probably inside taking a nap." I reply as I roll my eyes.

My dad turns to me and gives me a sorrowful look. I don't look. "I'll pick you up Tuesday. Can I have a hug?"

I get out of the car and slam the door. "See you Tuesday."

My sister and I walk into my moms house to find my mom lying on the couch.

What a surprise.

"Hi mommy!" My sister says running to give my mom a hug.

My mom sits up to let my sister in for a hug. "Hi baby!"

I stand awkwardly in the middle of her small living room looking at my feet. My mom looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Oh jesus Alia if you're already going to start pouting go to your damn room."

I gave her a nasty look and rolled my eyes. This was the last place in the world I wanted to be. "I'm literally just standing here?" I reply in almost a question.

"Who the hell let you dye your hair that awful color?" She asks pointing to my black hair.

"I haven't even dyed it recently. This is my natural color."

"Well take my advice and dye it to something normal. Might help you make some friends." She rolls her eyes and sighs.

I don't say anything. I just stare at the ground feeling awful. If there was one thing my 'mother' was good at it was making me feel bad about myself. My sister sat in the chair next to her and gave me a sad look.

All I could think to do was run to my room and cry. I hated it here. I hated my mom, my mom hated me. Why did I have to be here? It's not like my mom would have cared if I didn't visit. The only reason she does is because she knows how miserable it makes me.

I threw myself onto my bed and curled up with the teddy bear my dad had gotten me back when him and my mom were together. I felt so worthless when I was with my mom.

Why am I not enough?

Here's a little more info on Alia's past. I'm probably going to have more little parts of both Luke and Alia's past.

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