Chapter 14

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When Luke and I left I had completely lost track of time. I got a text from my dad asking where I was. I could tell by the tone of his text he was not happy. Which honestly, he made me a little nervous when he was angry.

Alia it is 10:00 and your curfew on a school night is 9:00. Where the hell are you?

The look of worry must have appeared on my face. "What's wrong babe?" Luke asks putting his hand on my thigh.

"Umm nothing, just drive a little faster if you can. And park a little ways down the road if you can please." I didn't make eye contact with Luke. I knew that my dad would never let me see Luke if he knew he was the person I was out with so late.

"Al, that doesn't sound very safe. I can't just drop you off in your driveway like a normal person?"

"Luke please." I looked at him with a serious expression. He didn't say anything after that and we spent the rest of the car ride in silence. I know he could tell I was pretty upset because he never took his hand off my thigh, and every now and then he would squeeze it and give me a weak smile. I just stared out the window and put my hand over his.

Luke dropped me off at my neighbors house. I wanted him to drop me off farther away. Mostly so my dad wouldn't see him but also because I didn't want to go home.

"I'll call you later, okay babe?" He says giving me a long but light kiss.

"You're gonna have to send me a letter because my dad's super angry I'm home past curfew." I let out a long sigh and fiddle with my fingers.

"Oh okay, well I'll see you at school tomorrow. It'll be alright." He squeezes my hand and shows a small smile.

I give him a passionate kiss for as long as I can before I get out of the car. When I get to my house I see my dad sitting on the porch. When he sees me coming to the porch he gets up fast.

"Where the hell were you?" He says in a stern voice, making me step back a bit. My dad never physically hurt my sister or I, but he also never got angry. So when he did, it was scary.

"I went to Liv's house and lost track of time, I'm sorry." I say not looking at him.

"Bullshit, don't you dare lie to me! I saw the boy in the car, who is it?"

I didn't say anything. There was nothing to get me out of this.

"WHO IS IT?!" He screamed, sending me to jump.

I couldn't hold back my anger, I started crying. "Nobody! I'm home! I'm alive! I was just with my friends why is it such a big deal?!" I screamed back.

"Because you don't drive around at almost 11:00 at night with teenage boys you barely know!"

My anger took over and I didn't even have the chance to process what I was saying."He's not someone I barely know! He's my boyfriend!"

My father slapped me as hard as he could across my face. We both stood there silently. I couldn't believe he just hit me. I held my hand up to my cheek and looked back at my father.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said in a low and angry voice.

"Oh- Oh my god, Alia I didn't mean to-"

I cut him off before he could finish. "DON'T!" I screamed and put my hand in front of him. I ran up to my room and slammed my bedroom door, locking it behind me.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Luke. I started sobbing between rings. Luke finally picked up.

"Al, you okay?" He says concerned.

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