Chapter 19

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Hi guys so before you read this chapter I just wanted to let you know it's pretty dark. A little more than the last one. But it is apart of Alia's character and it cordinates to where I'm going with the story. It will get better soon and steer back towards her and Luke a little more soon, I promise. 

Liv and I were on our way to my house and the truck was filled with nothing but silence. I didn't want to talk, and I didn't have anything to say. I stared out the window the whole time, wiping the tears away as they fell.

"Al, I think everything's going to be oka-" I cut Liv off. I didn't want to hear anymore.

The tears come down even more. "Just don't, please." I say in almost a whisper. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Luke.

'I love you, Al."

Looking at Luke's text just made me even more sad. Who knew if my dad was going to let me be with him anymore. Hell, I probably wasn't even going to be allowed to see any of my friends anymore.

Liv pulled up to my driveway and we both sat in silence for a few minutes before I finally said something. "Tell Luke, and anyone that might text me, If I don't answer it's cause my dad took my phone." Liv nods and puts her hand on my shoulder.

I went inside to find my dad sitting on the living room couch. I dropped my bag by the door and stood there. I didn't know what to do. The last time I had talked to my dad he hit me, how was I supposed to pretend like everything was fine after that?

My dad scoots over and pats the spot next to him on the couch. I sat a little bit away from him, not making any eye contact with him. "What did you do this weekend?" He asks in a calm voice.

"Nothing." I reply with no emotion.

"Oh c'mon, you had to have done something with your friends." He lightly punches my shoulder, causing me to flinch. When he sees my reaction the smile from his face fades away. I sit there in silence fiddling with my fingers.

"You're still gonna be pouty about that?" Irritation appears in his voice.

"I'm fine." I reply still fiddling with my fingers.

My dad stands up and runs his fingers through his hair. "You know what Alia, honestly I'm sick of your attitude. You had a right to be mad at me, but it's passed! So get over it!" He screams in my face. I don't know what's caused him to get so angry at me recently. I can't possibly think of anything I've done to make him mad. Besides me just being me.

I look up and see my sister standing by the stairs. "She's not even doing anything! Why can't you just leave her alone!" My sister screams at my dad.

"Just shut up and go to your room, I don't feel like dealing with both of you."

Tears start running down her face. I can tell she's scared, she's never seen my dad this angry before, and neither have I.

"I SAID GO TO YOUR GODDAMN ROOM!" My dads voice booms through the whole house. The look on my sisters face says everything. She was now terrified of my dad. She shook her head at me and started crying. Giving me the indication that even if she tried anymore to help in this situation she couldn't.

My dad runs his hand across his face and then points his finger at me. "Go to your room and don't come out until I say so." His voice was now a mix of angry and calm, as if he had no choice but to force himself to be quiet.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask through a broken voice.

"And you know what, give me your phone. You won't be talking to that stupid fuckin' boy for a while, or any of your friends." He says grabbing my phone out of my hands.

"What is wrong with you?!" I scream at him through my sobbing cries. "We've never done anything to you! We're your children, you have no right to treat us like this!"

The next thing I felt was my father's hand slapping me across the face. He had hit me so hard it caused me to fall to the ground. I didn't even know if it was a punch or a slap at this point. I sat on the ground and covered my eye where he had hit me. My father didn't say anything. He sat back on the couch and rested his head in his hands. I quickly got up and ran to my sisters room. Right now we needed each other, and there was no way I was leaving her alone this time.

I opened the door and startled her on accident. "It's okay it's just me." I say through a cracked voice. When I was fully in I locked the door behind me.

She comes running over to me and removes my hand from my eye. "Oh my god, Alia!" She begins to sob in my arms. We both slide to the floor crying in each others arms. I was beyond scared for what would happen to us if we continued to stay here.

I held my sister in my arms as we were both balling into each other's arms. I pulled her away from my chest and held her head in my hands. "Let's just go to sleep and we'll figure everything out tomorrow, okay? I locked the door so he won't come in." I manage to get out through the sobs.

She nods and wraps herself in the blankets on her bed. To try and calm us down I put our favorite show, The Office, on the tv. I lie down next to her and pulled her close to me. Ella and I needed each other more than anything right now.


Getting up for school was the hardest thing I felt like I ever had to do. Everyday getting up was hard, but today it was worse. My sister and I didn't speak the whole morning. Neither of us knew what to say. The only time we left her room in the morning was to go to the bathroom or until our dad had left for work.

I had also woken up with a black eye. I tried to cover it up with all the possible foundations and concealers that I owned, but nothing worked. Great. People are going to ask lots of questions. I spent the rest of the morning trying to come up with different excuses as to how I got a black eye, but I knew all my friends would know the truth, so there was no use in trying.

When I pulled up to school my friends were in there usual spot. "Can I stay with you until I have to go to class?" My sister Ella asks me as we walk closer to my friends. "Of course." I reply in sadness. I couldn't seem to even cover up the sadness in my voice. Today was going to be rough.

As we walk over to the group Luke sees the giant marking on my eye and runs over to me, giving me a giant bear hug. "Oh my god, babe..." He says into my neck. I don't say anything, but the tears fell like waterfalls pouring down my face.

The rest of our friends notice and come over. I pulled away from Luke to show them my eye. I gave a fake smile and pointed at the dark spots. "I knew there was no point in lying to you guys and you'd all eventually figure out what happened."

Ella and I were swarmed with questions asking if we were okay. But I could see that she couldn't take being the center of attention right now. "Can you guys give us a second?" I say pulling Ella away from the group.

"Hey, do you wanna go somewhere else? It's perfectly understandable for us to skip school today." I say pushing her hair behind her ear. It felt good to feel like the older sister, usually she was the one babying me.

She wipes the tears from under her eyes. "No, I'll be okay. I can't miss school. I'm gonna go find my friends, I'll see you at lunch." She tries to walk away but I pull her back.

"Hey, are you sure?"


As I let her walk away I see Luke distancing himself from the group and over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and I rest my head on his chest. "Are you sure school is where you should be right now?" He says into my hair.

"I just needed to see you." I whisper into his chest.

He pulls my head away from his chest and forces me to look into his beautiful blue eyes. "We are going to get you through this, okay? I love you so much, Alia."

I manage to form a smile through all of my crying. "I love you so much, Luke."


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