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Evan's fingers absentmindedly tapped lightly on his laptop keys as he stared out the small coffee shop window. He watched multiple people scatter to get to their destination, people with the heads down as they looked at their phone screens, people talking on the phone, using their hands to talk even when they know that it can't be seen. He sighed and turned his attention back to his computer screen, a feeling of defeat taking a seat in his body when he seen he had almost absolutely nothing useful written down.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be a good day and here's why. Because...

And that was it. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't seem to figure up what was going to make today good. Or, why he wasn't going to screw up as much as he usually did. Just make something up, you need this in by Thursday.

Let's try again. He set his fingers back in the correct place and searched his brain for anything useful. Whether it's a lie or not he needed something good to turn in. He didn't want to be scolded again the next time he walked through his therapist's door.

"Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be a good day and here's why. Because today...today you actually put yourself into a public place. You're getting better at being around people? Yeah-yeah I'll put that." He spoke to himself as he talked, finding it a little relaxing.

He decided that was about good, he didn't  have to bring in a whole essay so this would have to do. Better than nothing he thought to himself. He looked at the time on his computer, a groan slipping out of his mouth. 8:30 A.M. Class just started.

He grabbed his bag as quickly as he could and stuffed his laptop inside it, not bothering to turn it off. He was fast as he strode away from his seat, a barista called out to him to have a good day, all he could muster was waving behind him. He was in too much of a hurry to truly acknowledge anyone.

The cafe wasn't too far from his school, walking distance. He had walked their from home too seeing as he didn't have a car yet. He walked quick to get to school, almost running. His backpack bounced behind him with his large steps. He wasn't paying attention, his mind was much too set on getting to school.

He was late, class had already started meaning he would have to walk into the middle of a lesson. All the attention would be on him. Everyone watching him come in and interrupt. Everyone judgi–

"Hey come on, watch it!" A voice called out from underneath him. He stopped walking immediately, looking down and seeing none other than Jared Kleinman. Great.

"Evan? What the hell?" Jared picked himself off of the ground, wiping off his shorts.

"I need to get to class," Evan stated simply yet anxiously. Every second he stood here talking he could be getting to school. He couldn't be any later.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Just skip with me," Jared smiled, setting a hand on Evan's shoulder. "I got my car out of shop, we can go somewhere."

"No-no Jared, as much as I'd love to, I really need to go." Evan bounced on his heels, slightly trying to wipe his hands on his shirt.

"Ah come on Evan, don't be such a pussy. I'll even take you out for ice cream," Jared was really trying. He really did want to spend time with him. As much as it'd kill him to admit, there's not many that want to talk to him and Evan is pretty much his only friend at this point. "We won't get in trouble, if your mom asks we can just say you got sick. Or had another freak out episode."

Evan tensed at that. 'Freak out episode.' "I don't know, Jared. I just want to go to class."

"Ugh, fine. I'll drive you." Jared grabbed onto Evan's wrist, pulling him to his car which was parked down in another parking lot. Evan didn't say anything, just let Jared drag him around like a little girl with a puppy. He almost tripped over his feet but quickly stabilized himself, getting back up to where he could walk again.

After a few more moments of walking he ended up by the passenger side of Jared's car. He slowly got into the car, wrinkling his nose at the smell that filled it. It smelled like Jared with a strong scent of alcohol. This was definitely the car he wanted to be drove to school in.

Jared got in much quicker, shoving the keys in and starting the car. It sputtered for a few seconds before actually starting, proving all the reasons why Evan did not want to be here right now. Jared backed up quickly before putting it back in forward and taking off.

Jared was not known for safe driving, ever. God why did I let him take me here? Evan felt anxiety pool in his stomach as the thought of crashing filled his head. Evan leaned his head on the window as he listened to Jared ramble on about nothing in particular, just making small talk.

It took a little while of driving to figure out this was not the way to the school. He was practically being kidnapped. Evan's head set up as he looked at Jared, the boy's eyes on the road.

"Jared, school is the other way."

Jared turned to Evan and laughed. "Yeah no shit, I'm not taking you to school." He watched as Evan's face filled with fear before laughing again, harder this time.

"You actually fucking thought I was going to take you to school. I knew you were gullible, but not an idiot." Jared scoffed, turning his attention back to the road. "Besides, we're going to have loads more fun than school would allow us."

Evan sat back in his seat. This was going to be a long day.

My first actual story on this account. I've never really wrote anything that wasn't oneshots so I apologize if it isn't any good.
I'm hoping that over time my writing will improve.

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