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Evan's day with Jared ended a little later than expected, having a small visit to the local ice cream place ended with him getting home around 9:36 pm. He walked in through the door and sighed when he heard nothing but silence. Mom was at work.

He missed being able to come home to a mother cooking dinner, coming home to kisses and greetings. He missed his mom more than anything, really. He wished that she could just take off work for a week and spend time with her son.

Evan plopped down on the couch, pulling his phone out and looking at the notification sitting on his lockscreen. 1 missed call from Connor. He ran a hand through his hair anxiously as he pressed a couple buttons to call him back.

It rang about three and a half times before there was an answer. "Hello?"

Evan froze as he searched for something to say. He was never any good with phone calls, and he hardly prepared himself for this one. "You-you called?"

There was silence on the other end for a moment or two. "Probably a butt-dial."

Evan shrunk down a little. Connor didn't actually want to talk to him. It was just an accident, like most things that involve people being with him.

"I'm sorry-I'm sorry for not being able to go today. Things got a little messy and I-"

"Don't worry about it. It's alright." Connor cut him off, a slightly irritated tone in his voice. Evan shrunk down even farther. Shit I did something wrong.

Before he could stop himself words were flying from his lips at an alarming rate. "My mom won't be home until 6 in the morning. Maybe I could do something until then," he rushed, panting slightly after.

"Hold on, what?"

Evan closed his eyes and exhaled. "Mom won't be home till 6 in the morning. What about until then?"

"What about it?" Connor was killing him, he swore.

"I just, I just thought because you wanted something earlier and I couldn't, maybe you could now? Or it couldn't be now, maybe sometime later, or not even today, another day...maybe." Evan mentally punched himself for rambling so much. There was silence again, an awkward one that was tearing Evan apart.

"Eh, sure, why not," Connor said, shuffling being heard on the other line. Evan relaxed slightly, feeling a little better that he didn't scare him off. Evan opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by his phone beeping. Connor hung up.

He groaned at how stupid he was acting. Why would he let someone that he hasn't talked to in months into his house for the next few hours. Being with Jared in the mall all day was bad enough, but this was going a little over what Evan wanted to deal with today.

He ran upstairs and picked up his bottle of pills. He made the mistake of not taking them this morning, which is the time when he's supposed to take them. It was too late now, but he still hoped they would have some effect if he took them now.

He opened up the bottle and took two of them dry, cringing at the bitter taste it left in the back of his throat. Now all he had to do was wait for his body to take the off schedule meds. He needed something to do before then.

He decided the best thing to do was clean his already perfectly organized room. Which made perfect sense. He moved around a couple things, set up a couple jars that had fallen over, picked up a couple stray pencils on his desk and put them in the proper holder.

He was finished with his room in under ten minutes, racking his brain for something else to do. The living room was clean except for folding the blanket on the sofa and moving the remote. He walked out of his room and headed down the stairs, almost tripping over his feet halfway down.

He felt his nervousness drip to his hands, causing hims to constantly wipe his sweaty palms on his shirt. He did this so much he was surprised it wasn't already second nature to him. This seemed like an endless cycle anymore.

He looked around for something else to do when a knock came on the door, causing him to flinch fiercely from the sudden noise. He put a hand on his heart in hopes to make it stop beating so hard. 

It's only Connor. He told himself as he walked up to the door. Just Connor who stopped talking to you because you probably got too annoying.

Jesus what was he doing? He wasn't prepared for this. He hadn't spoke to Connor since July and it was nearly November now. How was he going to bring himself to even start a conversation? He hoped Connor was going to take the lead in most of the talking.

He set his hand on the cold door knob before taking in a deep breath, giving himself a moment to calm down before he opened up the door. There stood Connor, his eyes red and bloodshot. It was evident he was either high or crying. Or both, Evan didn't want to fully assume.

Evan stood out of the way of to doorframe to let Connor in. Connor mumbled a small 'thank you' before bringing himself into the home. Evan forced himself to start off the conversion, knowing that if he didn't then he would have to stand in awkward silence longer than he could handle.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a small voice. Connor looked up and raised an eyebrow, a small look of shock displayed out onto his face.

"Yeah. Why...why wouldn't I be?" His voice cracked, which was something you'd almost never witness coming from someone like Connor Murphy. It was a sign of weakness, and Connor made sure to almost never show any sign that he wasn't as tough as he made himself to be.

Evan decided to push it a little further. Maybe if he did he would get to know what was really going on. Maybe.

"Well, because, it's been months since we last talked and I just figured something would be wrong if you wanted to...wanted to talk to me...again," Shit he came off as rude. He avoided Connor's eyes, scared as to what emotion they held. He waited for Connor to say something, anything, but nothing ever came.

That's when Evan was shocked to hear sniffles coming from the boy in front of him. Evan pushed back any and all anxiousness he had from what was happening and did the only thing he knew to do when someone was hurting.

He quickly walked forward and pulled Connor's shaking body into his arms.

Seems like a good place to stop.
Lol I'm only on the third chapter and I feel like this already sucks ass.
Oh well, it's just about having fun with it right? I guess.
Ima go listen to Jumpsuit for the 10000000000 time this week.

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