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Can I just say I am completely fed up with my parents having sex? It's been six days in a row, you don't love each other that fucking much.

Evan was feeling a little down after the phone call with his mother. A lot of things dawned on him after the call was over. A lot of the things he realized were only because of him.

With the sound of the beeping in the background, she was obviously at work. She probably never stopped working. More than likely, she took a double shift on top of her classes so she wouldn't have to come to a house with no son.

That also means she hasn't been sleeping. Working, classes, and overthinking the absence of your son doesn't really go hand in hand with coming home every night to fall asleep in a warm bed. She's miserable.

Evan felt more than horrible about how he was making her feel. This was tearing her apart and it was all because of him. Him and his stupid ideas.

"Evan?" Connor pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" Evan jolted at the sudden sound, adjusting himself in the car's seat. They had just left the hotel about two hours ago and were on the road for another two days. The next time either of them would see a bed would be in Nebraska.

"You were staring at the air vent clip for like ten minutes without moving. It was starting to scare me," Connor joked.

"Just...just thinking," Evan ran a hand through his hair.

"That's never good," Connor paused, making a turn when the gps told him to. "What about?"

"My mom. Last night she...she didn't even hesitate to hang up when they paged her. Did she not wanna talk to me?" Evan sighed, realizing how stupid that sounded.

"Of course she wanted to talk to you, Ev. She kinda has to be on the spot with the line of work she's in. I mean, lives are in her hands there."

Evan felt guilty about being so selfish. She had to work, and she wasn't going to take off just because her bratty son decided to call. That's ridiculous.

Connor nudged him gently, causing Evan to look into those green eyes that he couldn't help but get lost in. "It'll be fine. Just try not to overthink it too much."

Evan fought the urge to scoff. All he ever did was overthink.


Two days later, about fifty miles into Nebraska, Evan and Connor stopped at the first Holiday Inn they seen.

"I have a surprise for you," Connor sang, unzipping the smallest pocket in his backpack.

"Oh my god! Are you finally gonna shank me?" Evan asked excitedly, bouncing on their shared bed. They decided to stop wasting money on two beds and just buy one. They always end up sleeping with each other anyway.

"Nope, even better," Connor pulled out a small plastic bag with two blunts on top of a bunch of weed. "Ta-da!"

Evan felt himself become a little angry. What if they got pulled over? They would totally be thrown in jail for marijuana possession. Connor was putting both of them at risk for even thinking about bringing it.

Evan decided just to keep quiet what he really thought about it and act excited. The last thing he needed was pissing off the person he was trusting his life with.

"Yay! Illegal things! What every little boy dreams of!"

Connor snickered, pulling out one of the blunts. He grabbed a lighter with a UFO. The words "I want to believe" written across the side.

He lit the end of the stick, took a long drag, then passed it to Evan, who looked at it like it was going to bite him.

"Just do it, don't burn up my weed." Evan nodded, holding the end up to his lips and inhaling, coughing immediately after.

Connor laughed, "You'll get used to it."

Evan didn't know how long they had spent passing the weed between each other, but after a while they were both stoned. And, for the first time Evan didn't feel like the weight of the world was on his shoulders anymore.

"You have really pretty hair, you know that?" Connor asked, twisting Evan's short hair in a daze.

Evan felt his face heat up. He giggled and ran his fingers through Connor's long, dark brown hair. Evan sighed happily.

To the average not stoned person, it would probably look weird to see the two teenage boys feeling up each other's hair. They didn't mind though, as long as their little high brains were content they were happy.

"Can I do something extra stupid?" Connor asked quietly. Evan knew what was happening, and didn't even hesitate to nod his head yes.

Maybe it was the marijuana in his system or the fact he lied to himself for so long about wanting this to happen, but kissing Connor felt...great. It was exciting, passionate, and sweet all at the same time. Evan couldn't see how all of the kids at school could treat this boy like shit for so long.

He didn't want this feeling to stop. He didn't want to feel sad or guilty anymore. He didn't want to worry about his mom. He didn't want to constantly fear he wasn't going to make it home. He just wanted to feel okay.

In this very moment, when the other boy pulled away and the stars aligned for no one but them two, Evan knew he was okay.
Welcome to the shittiest and most cliche crap you've ever read. "Stars aligned" what was I thinking?

Also my parents are having sex again as I'm writing this. I'm so pissed you can't even understand.

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