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Evan never thought he would be put in this situation. He never thought he'd be holding the so called "meanest guy in the school" as he cried. He never thought that he'd be standing here at 10:30 at night, holding a crying boy.

He had never seen this side of Connor. He was always greeted with an almost expressionless face every time. This was very odd for Connor to just break down like he was.

But, everyone did have a breaking point. And Evan was in the middle of Connor's, unsure of what to say or do other than hug him. Hopefully that will work until he can figure out what to say.

Connor shook his head on Evan's shoulder and pushed him back, looking down at the ground in shame. "I'm sorry," he said sincerely.

Evan quickly shook his head. "No, Connor, it's okay. It's okay."

Connor wiped at his eyes harshly, trying his best to stop anymore tears from falling. "I never do that," Connor mumbled as he wiped away a tear.

"Connor, it's perfectly okay to cry. If anything I encourage you to, I know you could definitely use it."

"Maybe," Connor rubbed his sleeve covered arm shamefully, not meeting Evan's eyes.

"Come on, let's sit," Evan lightly grabbed Connor's wrist and pulled him over to the sofa carefully, trying his best not to scare or hurt Connor.

"I know you definitely won't want to talk to me about it but, what's wrong?" Evan asked once they were sat down on the light brown piece of furniture.

"Fuck, where do I start," Connor laughed sadly, looking up at the ceiling.

Even hesitated for a second before setting a hand on his thigh, feeling regret the second he noticed Connor jump at the action but chose not to move it. Instead, he rubbed slow, small circles into his thigh, giving him encouraging eyes. "Anywhere. Start anywhere."

Evan hears Connor let out a shaky sigh. It's hard for him to say, he can't explain it. He knows how Connor feels right now, there a bubble in his throat and a wall in his mind that won't let any words out.

"Fuck, this is stupid," Connor sniffed, wiping away another tear.

Evan tries his best to make him feel comfortable, the hand on his thigh rubbing around in small circles. It's not awkward and there's no lust, no anything, just encouragement. "I just feel like the world just made me as a joke, you know? Like, everyone has a purpose and a plan for this stupid place, but I was just created to walk around and get laughed at for trying to find my purpose?" He pauses, looking down. Evan seen regret flash across his eyes. "Anyways, I know it's stupid. I shouldn't have came here and-"

"No!" Evan shouted a little too loudly, quickly going back to using a soft voice. "I mean, no, it's okay. Connor it's perfectly okay."

Connor sighed again, leaning back onto the sofa, causing Evan's hand to slip off.  "Why are you being so nice. I ignored you for months, no texts, no calls, not even a hello at school. Why did you even want to see me?"

Evan didn't know why exactly. Maybe he felt Connor deserved a second chance?

"I feel like shit...I missed you."

Evan felt his stomach clench at the words. He never felt like he was someone to be missed, he didn't really think his mom would miss him if he left. He figured she would just bury herself in work to keep her mind busy on other things.

"Again, it's stupid, and I shouldn't have come here," Connor rushed as he lifted himself off of the sofa. Evan was quick to grab his wrist and stop him from moving any more.

"No, no, Connor. I...I missed you too," Evan breathed, losing his air as he spit out the words. "I really missed you."

Connor sat back down and sighed, hanging his head as guilt had taken over his expression. "Evan you-you don't have to say that because you feel bad. It's alright."

Evan shook his head quickly and scooted closer, to the point he was almost sitting in his lap. Evan realized how bold the movement was and immediately backtracked, sitting back in his normal seating. "Connor I did miss you. I miss you taking me to the orchard. I have to say, Jar-Jared can be a little much sometimes."

Connor nodded in agreement. Evan realized what he said and immediately felt bad. "It's not that I don't like Jared, it's just he's kinda loud and mean sometimes. But, he...he means well. Really, he's a good friend when he wants to be." By the end of the explanation Evan was panting, realizing how little air he had taken in.

Connor chuckled a bit and sat back against the sofa. The light illuminated Connor's face and Evan got full view of how sad Connor really looked. His eyes were red, bloodshot and puffy from crying, and the bags under his eyes looked like he hadn't slept in forever. Even felt for him, he understood what it felt like to feel as empty as he assumed Connor was feeling right now. He understood completely with feeling alone and like no one would even realize if he just disappeared tomorrow. He understood it all, and he hated that there was another person who felt the way he did, he wouldn't wish this upon anyone.

He wished there were a way to help Connor just escape it all for a little while. Evan knew that Connor's family didn't do the best with helping their son with his mental health, and school is so shitty that it's only going to make Connor's Hell even hotter.

Evan sat there and pondered for a moment, thinking of all possibilities for this to work. The only thing that really stuck in his head was a road trip somewhere, just the two of them. And as stupid and cliche as it sounded, it wasn't an awful idea.

There is a National Park that he's been dying to go to. It's in California, which is all the was on the other coast. It's a crazy idea to even think of. But, Evan went with it anyway.

"Connor?" Evan asked nervously, realizing how stupid this was going to sound.

"Yeah?" Connor sat up and looked Evan in the eyes.

"What if...what if we went somewhere? Like a road trip? We could pack up and leave before our parents wake up and we could drive somewhere."

Connor's eyes widened, the words coming from Evan sounding completely insane. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Evan shrunk back a little, embarrassed that he even said it. "School and family has been shit for the both of us. We could just get away ya know? It's kinda like running from our problems but we'll...we'll come back."

Connor nodded for a second, buying into it a little bit. He still thought it sounded crazy but it wasn't something he was quick to turn down. "Where would we even go?"

"California?...Perhaps?..." Evan shrunk down into the sofa, his body folding with embarrassment and hopefulness.

"Evan that's on the other side of the fucking country!" Connor exclaimed, sitting up completely.

"I know, but think about it! No school for like...I don't know...two weeks?" Evan was getting ahead of himself. He never thought of things this bold and crazy. The meds must be working was his conclusion to his crazy plan.

Connor sighed and hung his head for a few moments as he thought it over. "This is crazy as fuck Hansen but...I'm in." This brought a bright smile to Evan's face. "Figure out our route and a destination and I'll supply a car and money."

Evan let out a squeak of joy and practically pounced on Connor in a hug of excitement. Connor groaned as the weight was piled on top of him and awkwardly patted his back. This was definitely the meds working.

"This is going to be worth it, I swear." Evan promised as he detached himself from Connor.

Connor nodded, "No school. No stress. Just me, you, and wherever you wish to take us."

Things are happening yay.
I'm very excited for this story to take off and I have a ton in store for it. It just might be the most mediocre thing you've read, but in my world its gonna be a trophy. That's all that matters I guess.

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