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Hi so my dumbass thought it was a good idea to put on really long fake nails. I can't type to save my life so ignore all the spelling and grammar errors. Thx
Evan ran a sweaty hand through his hair, letting out a short puff of air. "How far are we from Indiana?" He asked, only to relieve a little of the aching in his gut.

Connor tapped the steering wheel, "Four hours if I speed."

"And how long if you don't break the law?"

"Six, I don't know."

Evan huffed slightly. He wasn't looking forward to another six hours on the road. The car smelled like weed, his back cramped, and the more he thought about home the worse he felt. He was fighting at least seven battles in his head all on his own.

Connor adjusted the rear view mirror to look at the sleeping kitten in the back. Evan felt a strange bubble in his stomach, almost like he was going to puke.

'Oh Jesus, please don't let me throw up,' Evan pleaded, wrapping his arms around his stomach in hopes that the feeling will subside.

"Don't vomit in my car. Tell me if you need to pull over." Connor looked over at Evan, a look in his eyes that he couldn't quite decipher.

It wasn't disgust or anger, so that was good.

Evan nodded, clutching his shirt in his fingertips. Face felt hot, but the rest of his body was freezing, goosebumps popping up on his pale arms. "Got it," he mumbled, crossing and uncrossing his legs.

Connor hummed along to a song that Evan wasn't familiar with at all. He found that he liked Connor's music taste more than he'd like to admit. He opened his mouth to ask what the song was called, but was interrupted by the annoying standard Android ringtone.

"Mom?" Connor assumed, raising an eyebrow.

"No...it's-it's Jared," what could Jared possibly want? He wasn't home to tell the Kleinman family that Jared was a nice boy to poor little ol' Evvie.

"Kleinman? The hell does he want?"

Evan shrugged, a deep pit of anxiety stirring in his belly like a witch's brew. He reluctantly hit the green button before raising the phone to his ear.

"Uh...hello?" Evan cringed at the sound of his voice.

"Where the fuck are you, Evan?!" Jared's voice boomed through the speaker.

Evan gulped down the anxiety, willing the new nauseous sensation to go away. "Ohio, almost Indiana."

"What the fuck?!" Jared demanded.

Evan stayed silent this time, not trusting his own voice. He knew if he spoke it would only make him sound more pathetic than he felt.

"Do you even know how worried and messed up your mom is over this? You're lucky I don't forget as much when I'm drunk so I could tell her that you're just driving safely across the fucking country with the kid who is capable of a mass school shooting!"

Evan winced. Connor definitely heard that.

Jared continued his rant, "She almost called the cops, Evan! Do you know how much shit you're in when you come back home. I'll be surprised if she doesn't disown your ass."

Evan squeezed his eyes shut, hot tears forming. He was hoping Jared was finally done, but he didn't seem to have an end to this.

"You tried to pass driving to the other side of the country as a way to help your mental health? That's bullshit! I'd say just go to the stupid park you were working at but no one can trust you not to off yourself there!"

Too far. He took it way too far. How the hell did Jared even know that?

A tear slipped down his cheek and immediate shame followed after it. Connor reached over and jerked the phone from Evan's hand, pressing it to his ear.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You are such a dick, I swear to god."
Connor was fuming.

Evan blocked out Jared's loud insults being thrown at both him and Connor. His lungs heaved for air like he had been punched. 'Stop acting so pathetic.'

He didn't want to cry in front of Connor. He needed to hold himself together. It was beyond humiliating to cry in front of Connor of all people.

"Go suck a dick, Jared. Fuck you!" He pressed the end call button roughly, tossing Evan's phone up on the dashboard. Evan couldn't find it in himself to care if his screen had cracked.

Connor looked over at Evan worriedly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Evan bit back the pain in his lungs. "I'm fine. I'm-I'm okay." He balled his hands into fists and roughly tore the tears off of his cheeks.

Connor shook his head. "Here, let me pull over for a sec." The clicking of the turn signal sounded throughout the car before they pulled over on the side of a busy highway. Yeah, this was a great idea.

Connor turned down the radio, leaning over and pulling Evan into his arms over the center console. The boldness in the action surprised him, but he didn't dwell on it too much. He leaned into the touch, feeling much calmer at the warm body pressed against his.

"When Mom and Dad would fight when I was a kid, Zoe would come in my room and demand a hug. She did that for years before we both grew apart."

Evan fought back the urge to say 'I can see why.' The last thing he wanted to do was ruin the moment. He already fucked up enough today.

"I'm sorry," Evan muttered quietly, ashamed of how weak he sounded.

"No, no, there's nothing to be sorry for. Jared was a dick and shouldn't have pushed you to this point. Don't think that this is burdening me or something." Connor rubbed Evan's arm.

Evan liked seeing this side of Connor. Connor had always been so caring around Evan, even when they used to hang out before. This was a side that, ultimately, only Evan got to see.

Evan inhaled and exhaled slowly, "I think I'm alright now. Thank you."

Connor rubbed his arm once more before moving away from him, the cold rushing back to Evan's form. "Don't thank me. It would be a real dick move if I didn't try to help you."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

They locked eyes for a moment. Evan could probably say that the world stopped, but that would be an exaggeration.

Maybe it was the endorphins in Evan's brain not running right, but he swore he saw Connor lean into him, so he did the same. Why leave a bro hanging? They inched closer and closer and then–

A loud honk from a semi sends them both flying to sit in their seats. "We should get going if we want to catch a hotel in Illinois," Connor coughed, putting the car back in drive.

Evan sighed, face burning with pure embarrassment. 'God, why am I so fucking stupid?'

Remember those nails from the beginning? Yeah so I cut them off halfway through just to write this chapter. This stupid story costed me my nails tf. 

Also sorry this story sucks ass. If you came for quality content you should probs leave jus sayin

Oh and my bold/italics/underline things don't work anymore so that's fun

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