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Just a lil filler

Evan made his way through the crowded halls, multiple teens pushing and shouting as he passed. It looked nerve wracking to the everyday adult but, this was the usual for the kids. Evan found it harder to get used to though. It seemed no matter how many years he spent dodging people holding books he would never fully adjust to the chaos.

A large kid walked fast towards him, knocking Evan in the shoulder which caused his body to jolt to keep upright. Evan growled under his breath. Out of all the times he goes unnoticed why was this his way of receiving attention?

"Hey, yo, Evan!" The familiar voice of Jared sped towards him. Evan felt relieved that he was able to see someone he knew right now. He really didn't feel up to associating with strangers today.

"Hi Jared," Evan responded once they were finally in the same space. "Didn't feel like skipping today?"

Jared shook his head as he shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't want mom to get suspicious about it."


"Anyways my parents won't be home tonight, wanna come over? I have the keys to the liquor cabinet." Jared asked, singing the last sentence.

"Uh, I think mom might be home tonight and I, uh, kinda wa-wanna see her?" Evan replied awkwardly, he didn't usually like turning down people. "It's just that I don't get to see her often and I wanna spend as much time as I can with her."

Jared put his hands up in understanding. "Totally get it, it's cool. We can do it another night."


The bell ranging, causing loud groans of annoyance to release the boys. "Gotta get to class, bye."

"Bye," Evan said quietly as Jared quickly leaved.

Evan walked over to his locker and grabbed his things, shutting it before heading off to his second class.


Another horrible day at school was finished. All Evan could think about was getting home and getting some time to rest. He really hoped his mom was coming home tonight. He misses her when it's just him alone.

Evan rode the bus back home, which was a mistake by itself. Children of all ages were screaming and throwing backpacks at each other. And, unfortunately, Evan was right in the center of it all.

There's just no escape today, is there? Evan thought to himself as he pressed his head to the cold, shaking glass.

A wad of paper hit the side of his head but he ignored it. He chose to not see the laughing and snickering of the people who had tossed it. He'd been laughed at all day long, he needed a break.

He waited for the whole 20 minutes it took before he was able to reach his stop. A whole 20 minutes of screaming that just egged his mind into a headache. A whole 20 minutes of Evan contemplating just jumping out the window.

Evan got off the bus as quick as he could, hiking the backpack onto his back and speed walking to his house. He opened the door and was greeted with an empty room. Great.

A yellow paper was sitting on the table. Evan grabbed it and almost cried when he read it.

Sorry honey, I was going to be home tonight but work called and I had to leave. There's some microwaveable pizza in the freezer and ice cream if you want it. I'll be home in the morning,
                                      Love, Mom

He was heartbroken to say the least. If he and Connor were going to go to California soon Evan wouldn't have hardly any time with his mom. He didn't want to leave only being able to see his mom one day before.

Alas, he couldn't change that. Heidi had to work to pay for what he needed. He had no say in whether she got to work or not.

He pulled out his phone and clicked on Jared's contact.

Evan: Mom didn't make it home tonight. Am I still able to come over?

Jared replied almost immediately. Probably from him never being off of his phone.

Jared: totally. I'll find the key to the drinks

Evan: perfect

Evan shut his phone off and slid it back into his pocket. His mom may not be here, but that doesn't mean he's not allowed to underage drink with his family friend.

Well, legally he's not supposed to but fuck it. He won't be here in a few weeks, what harm could be done?

My writing skills are so bad, I apologize to anyone that actually wants a story with good writing.
Apologies for the shortness of this chapter

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