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It was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon when Evan finally felt better. The headache he once had completely vanished, and the pain in his stomach drifted off into a dull ache. It might not have been perfect, but he was content.

Evan figured since he had nothing else to do other than sit around watching adult cartoons, he could plan out the trip. It wouldn't take long, just search A to B and see all of the states they would go through. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and clicked on Safari.

Monroe County Ny to Boulder Creek Ca, he searched, typing quickly. His eyes widened when he seen the route they were going to take.

"It's a 41 hour drive," he said in shock. That was only an estimate, with traffic, gas stops, bathroom breaks, and sleeping, it would take a lot longer than two days. But, that's expected when driving coast to coast.

"It won't be as bad as it looks," he told himself in hopes he was right. He was beginning to question the whole thing as he looked at every turn and exit along the way. Was this really the best idea?

Evan wished he had seen this before making plans with Connor. There's no backing out now. Connor already has the money and car ready to go, this was happening.

"This is for Connor," he reminded himself. This was to take Connor's mind away from the stress for a little while. Help him ease away from all the worries that home held for him. This was for Connor.

Evan would feel more than guilty if he backed out now. Connor seemed excited for it. He couldn't being himself to be the one that ruins this for him.

This was going to happen one way or another. Other than the constant worry of his mom making a search party and calling the cops because he was a missing person, he was feeling somewhat good about the whole thing. It wasn't like he wasn't going to come home.

Unless the car crashed. If he died then his mom would be alone. She'd have lost her husband and son. He couldn't do that to her, she's already sad enough as it is.

Anxiety picked away at his mind. What would happen if he did die? Would anyone besides Heidi actually miss him?

Probably not. Jared would move onto his camp friends in a heartbeat, Evan wouldn't be missed there. The only other person he really talked to at school was Zoe, Connor's sister, but not enough for her to miss him.

People will pity the tragedy, not miss the person.

Evan ran his hands through his hair, "What am I doing?"

He grabbed his phone once more and clicked on Connor's contact, sending him a couple texts.

E: I at least know how we're going to get there now


It took a couple minutes for Connor to reply, only setting him on edge more

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It took a couple minutes for Connor to reply, only setting him on edge more.

C: great. We'll just use gps bc I have no fucking clue how to read maps

E: me either. It's a wonderful tech filled world we live in

C: ya

Evan felt himself ease away from the anxiety for a little while. This was going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine.


"When should we leave?" Connor asked as he took another chip out of the bag sitting on the lunch table.

"Next week or the week after?  I'll need a little while getting everything packed and in order."

Connor tilted his head slightly in confusion, "You take two weeks to pack?"

"I want to make sure!" Evan threw his hands up defensively.

"Yet you wear the same outfit every day."

Evan shrugged, looking down at the blue polo and khakis he was wearing. He had six more articles of the exact same clothing hanging up in his closet, so there wasn't much denying it. He forgot the reason he had so many.

Connor opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Jared coming over and slamming his lunch tray next to Evan. Evan jumped at the sudden noise, his heart feeling like it had stopped for a moment. "Wow look at this. Hansen and Murphy talking to each other again. Makes me a little nostalgic."

"Do you even know what that word means?" Connor asked dryly as he pushed a strand of his long hair out of his face.

"Yes, I'm not a dumbass."


"Shut it, shooter."

Connor scowled at Jared. This is the exact thing that happened a few months ago before Connor drifted away. They've always been at each other's throats.

Evan sat silently as he watched the two boys fight and throw insults at each other. He didn't know what to say, and certainly didn't want to be in the middle of it. Evan decided the best thing for him to do was to sit on the sidelines and just watch.

They fought for what felt like hours. Why can't they just get along? 

The bell rang, signaling everyone to go to class. "Thank god," Evan mumbled as he got up and raced to his next class, dodging people to the best of his abilities.

He stopped by his locker to grab a couple things before walking into the room and sitting down in a chair, sighing in relief. Finally away from the commotion. The teacher walked in shortly after and sat down at her desk, waiting for the rest of the students to pile in.

Evan opened up his notebook, deciding this was the best time for him to go ahead and get the letter for therapy done before everyone came in.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be a good day, and here's why.

Soon you'll be able to get away with Connor. You won't have to worry about school for a while, so that's fun I guess. Even if there's always a hundred things that could go wrong, you're going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine.

When you leave, don't worry so much. It's going to be okay, this is going to be fun.

Try to focus on the sun and not the shade you're standing in.

I'm saying they live in Monroe county bc of where Ellison state park is 👌

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