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"Welcome to Ohio," Evan read, smiling at the sign as they passed it.

"God, finally. I can't wait to sleep in an actual bed." Connor flipped his long hair from one side to the other.

"The map says there's a hotel close by, we can stop there for the night."

"How close?"

Evan zoomed in on the hotel, "Like, a mile? Maybe less?"

Connor nodded, looking closely for the hotel. He clicked his tongue, leaning forward. "Is that it?"

A big 'Holiday Inn' sign shone in their faces. "Yep."

They were ecstatic that they could finally rest. The traffic was definitely working Connor's last nerve, and Evan was cramping in every part of his body. He was sure when he got out his back was going to pop like a firework.

"Can we afford a single or a double?"

"Double. I wanna jump from one bed to the other," Connor said, no hint of humor in his voice.

The car turned into the 'Holiday Inn' parking lot. It was fairly empty so they got a good parking spot in front without using a handicap space.

"Grab Nico and stick him in your bag. There's no way they'll let him in," Connor said, leaning over the seat to grab his bags.

"Won't he suffocate in there?"

Connor shrugged, "Shouldn't. Just be fast."

Evan felt uneasy about putting Nico in his suitcase. He was tempted to just sleep in the car for the night, but he knew he wouldn't get a second of rest. Evan just had to push past this bothering feeling and shove the cat in his clothes.

He got out of the car, walking around to the backseat and opening the door to Nico sleeping on a heap of luggage. "Come here, buddy," Evan cradled the feline to his chest, soothing his soft ears with his fingertips.

"Come on, Evan. We can't let them see you put him in there." Connor threw his own luggage on his back, the large backpack filled all the way.

Evan was quick to unzip his suitcase and lay the kitten in an empty spot zipping him up. He said a silent prayer to the cat god and started walking away from the car, suitcase rolling behind him. Connor walked in front, holding the door open for Evan with a nervous expression.

"Hi, I'm Sandra. What can I do you two gentlemen tonight?" The lady at the front desk set down her phone and put on a fake smile. The bags under her eyes were prominent, it was clear she hadn't slept in a night or two.

"We need a room with two beds, please," Connor reached in his pocket and pulled out a debit card, handing it over right away. Evan still felt uncomfortable with using the Murphy's money in this way, but he forced himself to push the feeling away again.

Almost if on cue when Sandra handed the card back to Connor, Nico started meowing loudly in the suitcase. Evan's heart stopped. They were going to sleep in the car tonight, this was it.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't bring a cat into your room."

Evan opened his mouth to apologize, but Connor cut in quickly, shutting him up. "It's a game I have on my phone. I take care of a kitten and he gets feisty when he's not fed."

A drop of sweat rolled from Evan's armpit to the waistband of his khakis. Sandra's eyes burned holes in his head, but he couldn't run away from them. "Right," she said, not buying Connor's lie. "I'd ask to check your phone, but I'm so d--- tired I just don't care. Here's your room key."

Connor took the key from her hand and nodded at her, a silent praise. It took a lot not to laugh at the whole situation. She could get fired for this, but honestly, it would be for the better if she did.

"We did it, Hansen," Connor said once they reached the elevator, beaming.

"Yeah. I can't believe it."

The elevator dinged and the doors flew open. The meowing and scratching coming from the suitcase got louder. They were going to wake up the whole hotel if they didn't hurry.

"223. Look for 223."

They rushed through the hall, scanning the numbers as they went.

"219, 220, 221, 222, ah-ha! 223," Connor put the key card under the sensor and pulled the handle, the door automatically opening.

"Finally. Sleep." Connor wasted no time to jump face-first onto the bed. Evan unzipped the suitcase before the door even closed behind him, helping it the rest of the way with his foot.

"Here you go, I'm sorry buddy," Evan held the kitten up in the air, looking at his cute face. "You ready to go to bed? I think you are."

"He needs to eat, Ev." Connor's voice was muffled by the blankets.

Evan sighed. "What are we going to feed him? I didn't pack any food."

Connor sat up, "We can let him go tonight and pick him up some cat food tomorrow. It'll be a quick stop at Walmart, then we can get back to driving."

"I guess," Evan stroked the kittens head, "I just feel bad letting him go hungry."

"We're doing our best. It'll be alright. Now sleep before I make you." He flipped his body under the blankets,curling up.

Evan pushed his worries behind him and did the same. Kicking the pants off of his legs, setting Nico right beside him, and getting settled underneath the thick pieces of fabric.

"Goodnight, Connor," Evan said quietly. But Connor was already snoring, blankets pulled over his head.

Evan shook his head with a small smile. He held onto the tiny cat and let the soft, cold bed ease him into a much needed sleep.

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