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I haven't taken my meds in 3 days so I'm in a super shitty mind state rn. I'm gonna try to squeeze a chapter out of my depression. Should be interesting.

Evan woke up to knocking at the front door, immediately striking a pang of anxiety into his stomach. He grabbed his phone and looked at the time, seeing as the sun had yet to come up again. 4:27 A.M. Who the hell was knocking at four in the morning?

Evan was hesitant to get up to his feet. Whoever was out there part of him hoped it wasn't a murderer, the other half hoped for one. He slowly walked to the door and looked through the small peephole.

When he seen who was out there he had to choke on his own laugh of confusion. Who else would be standing outside Evan's door other than Connor Murphy. Evan was at a loss for words, this was nuts.

He opened to door tiredly, meeting Connor's half cheery smile. "Connor what the hell? It's four A.M."

"I'm ready to take off for the trip. I can't be around these pricks any longer," he said easily, coming in without invitation.

"I haven't even packed yet, I thought we weren't leaving for another week?"

Connor shrugged, "Larry is being a douche to Mom, and Zoe is acting like a brat. I need away."

Evan just nodded. He didn't want to push any further with the explanation when he didn't need to. He was alright with leaving tonight if it meant Connor was happy. He just wished Connor would have said this at 10 P.M. and not four.

"Let me go upstairs and get packed, it might take a minute." Evan turned his back to Connor and made his way up the stairs to his bedroom, squinting in pain when he turned on his bedroom light.

He immediately went to his closet and grabbed everything that was on a hanger. That would last him for the whole two weeks easily, so the last thing was underwear. Evan opened up the drawer of the dresser in his closet and grabbed ever single pair of boxers and socks he could find.

There were more boxers than socks, but he'd make it work somehow. He would probably end up stealing Connor's socks anyway. Socks wasn't going to be the most of his worries.

"Don't forget your medicine," Connor said suddenly from the other doorway, startling Evan. He jumped at the sudden noise and turned around quickly. Connor let out a quiet laugh, his head tilted back slightly.

"How many bottles do you have, and will you need refills soon? If you can't take your medicine we aren't leaving here until you get enough. I'm not putting your mental health in jeopardy because of some dumbass trip I wanna go on."

Evan said nothing as he walked over to the small box that held his pills. He opened it and picked up two full bottles, enough to last him two months. "I have more than enough."

Evan was shy when it came to talking about his medicine. He didn't like explaining to people he wasn't strong enough to handle his own mind so he takes crazy pills. Of course none of that is true, but he still thinks of it that way.

Connor walked over to the corner of Evan's room and grabbed a suitcase that had been in the same place since the last time he went on a vacation. Three years ago with his mom to Yellowstone. That was the first time he realized how fascinating trees were.

"Thanks," Evan mumbled as he flopped it on the bed and unzipped it. He didn't take time to fold the clothes neatly like he usually would. Instead he just grabbed armfuls and stuffed them in. He was much too tired to care about how it looked.

"Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and soap," Connor listed as if he was reading off of s sheet of paper. Evan walked into the bathroom that was connected to his room and grabbed everything he needed, almost dropping the large bottle of 3-in-one men's soap.

Connor scanned everything in the bag, "Is this everything you need?"

Evan shrugged, not even sure what the game plan was before they actually got to California. "It's been awhile since I've been anywhere, I don't know what I need to bring but this."

Connor nodded, looking over everything once again. "It looks good, I think we are done."

Evan nodded in agreement before it dawned on him. He needed to write his mom a note to know he was going to be okay. Racing over to the desk on the other side of the room, Evan picked up a pen and started writing the explanation letter.

Sorry you're coming home to me being gone. I decided to take a small trip with a friend. I'm not 100% sure when we will get back but I'll text you and let you know I'm okay.
                                           <3- Evan

Connor smiled and took the note from Evan's hand. "Alright, ready?"

Evan took a deep breath before picking up the suitcase from the bed.


Wow after a month of rewriting one stupid chapter I finally get it done when I'm mentally dying? That makes perfect sense.

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