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It didn't take more than two hours of being at Jared's for Evan to get completely wasted. It was an odd sight, seeing the usually anxious and timid boy totally smashed from alcohol. Most people wouldn't believe it unless they seen it for themselves.

Evan was a weird type of drunk. He was more confident yet he was sad. He made so many jokes about death it was becoming worrisome.

"Dude, dude, if you talk about cliffs one more time I'm gonna smack you," Jared said, sticking his hand up in preparation.

"You wouldn't hurt me," Evan sang out like a child, sticking his tongue out in Jared's direction.

"Oh you think I won't? Test me, Hansen. I dare you."

"Sissy," Evan whispered, sticking his tongue out once more.

Jared drunkenly slapped him on his right cheek. Not hard enough to actually hurt, but hard enough he got his point across. Evan held his cheek and stuck out his bottom lip. " hit me."

Jared's mind immediately went into panic mode for no reason at all. He threw his arms around the 'injured' boy. "I'm sorry my bro, I didn't mean to hurt you," he said, stretching out the 'you.'

"You are forgiven, my child."

"Thank you Jesus Evan."

They both giggled at their stupidity. This was the best Evan felt in a while, and he didn't ever want it to end. And, what he was really not looking forward to was the hangover that awaited him tomorrow morning.

"I'm gonna go to California with Connor," Evan slurred. His mind was not in the right place at all. He shouldn't be talking about this.

"Batshit crazy Connor Murphy? Dude I wouldn't do that. You might be found dead on the side of the road."

Evan rolled his eyes. "You listen to stereotypes too much, Connor isn't that bad."

Jared scoffed in disbelief, taking another sip of liquor from the bottle that was sitting in front of them. "Yeah whatever, man. Don't expect me not to say I told you so at your funeral."


Evan groaned as light poured into the room. He didn't know where he was, and quite frankly, he didn't care. The pounding in his head distracted him from worrying about it.

He couldn't remember what happened last night. He remembered coming home from school and then blank. He was completely clueless as to what happened after that.

He slowly opened his eyes, looking around the room. His vision was blurry before it evened out after a moment or two. Jared's. He was at Jared's.

He looked over and saw Jared sprawled out on the floor, his glasses sitting on top of his head and a bottle of liquor between his fingers. Jared's loud snoring filled up the room, which caused annoyance to strike up in Evan's system. He needed to get home, this was too much for his unmedicated head to handle.

He got up onto his feet slowly, staggering a little but otherwise he kept his balance. He was in so much pain. He was dizzy, the room was spinning. He was going to puke, this was awful.

He felt his stomach clench and a nasty taste rise to his throat. He doubled over and vomited on Jared's carpet. He was too sick to care. His eyes watered, his head and stomach ached, this was hell.

He felt like shit. He regretted drinking last night with a burning passion. Evan clutched his stomach as he waddled out of Jared's house, not even caring if he left anything. He just wanted to get home.

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