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I dyed my hair black and idk if it was the best of worst decision I've made recently. Either way I love it.

When Evan woke up the next morning, his high was completely gone. Anything he had felt from the night before had completely vanished into a distant memory. Well, a very hazy memory.

He remembered kissing Connor very clearly, though. The feeling of his soft, pink lips still lingered on his own. He couldn't help but crack a smile at the thought of it.

He had no regrets. It's something he's wanted for a very long time, and he'd be dammed if he felt bad about it now. It's been way to long just waiting for it to happen to tie any sort of regret to the kiss.

When he was finally aware of where he was, he noticed the warm puffs of breath on the back of his neck. He smiled, and that weird almost vomity feeling bubbled back up. Evan rolled over carefully in the pair of arms, making sure not to wake him up.

Connor's long, dark hair shielded his face, falling messily over his features. Evan moved his hand up to move them away, getting a good look at his face.

Evan didn't know why he thought of it, but the first thing that came to his mind was when his grandfather would say, "Evan, you're a pretty good kid...only when you're sleeping." He grinned at the thought of his late grandfather. Evan missed him a lot.

His grandfather was practically his third parent. (Not that he considers Mark Hansen a parent, but whatever.) After his dad left, he was with his grandfather most of the time because his mom had to work. His granddad took him on his first fishing trip, first hunting trip, and first camping trip. Everything he knew about surviving was all from his grandfather.

One day a couple years ago his mom came home from work and said his grandfather had been admitted when she was on duty. He suffered a major heart attack and died after a couple hours of being in a hospital bed. Evan was torn to pieces.

His world had pretty well flipped upside down. Evan didn't know what to do with himself. He was only fifteen and life wasn't showing him any mercy even when his granddad was still alive, what would happen now that he was dead?

Evan made it out okay, and still visits his grave all the time. He had planned on stopping by before he left for this trip but decided it would probably put too much weight on him. He was feeling more than enough guilt as it was.

"Ev, you alright?" Connor adjusted himself and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Evan smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

Connor leaned over and pecked Evan's lips lightly before getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom. Evan laid there with a bright blush on his cheeks, felling a little stunned.

Was this something they were doing now? Was Evan just allowed to kiss him whenever he felt like it? Were they like...a thing now?

Evan was getting ahead of himself. Calm down, it's probably not as serious as you think Evan tried to reassure himself. He was going to get worked up if he didn't stop.

"So I just learned this last night," Connor yelled from the bathroom, the sound of an electric toothbrush following after. "If you scream at a coffee cup for a little over nine years, you'll have a perfectly heated cup of joe."

Evan snickered, "Who calls coffee a 'cup of joe' anymore?"

Connor popped his head out of the door frame, foamy toothpaste peeking from the side of his lips. "I just told you that it's possible to warm liquids by screaming at it, and you're worried about the fact that I called it a cup of joe?"

"Yeah. What are you Amish?"

Connor cackled. "I don't think Amish can have coffee. Religion is messy."

Evan rolled his eyes, laughing a little. "Do you keep an Amish rule book on you at all times?"

Connor nodded, swiping a bit of drool from his face. "That and free porn. Technology is wonderful."


"Oh shut up," Connor disappeared into the bathroom once more, spitting in the sink. "I'm sure you've watched Hentai with Jared or something you sick freak."

Evan laughed, "Yeah, just like you watch four emo dudes going at it in a small public shower."

Connor gasped loudly from the bathroom. "How did you find my sex tape?"

Evan could probably mark this off as one of the weirdest conversations he's had in a while. Right next to when Heidi taught him about the 'Birds and the Bees' with the many, unnecessary, hand movements and descriptive words. He never heard the words 'hole' and 'boink' so much in his life.

Connor changed the subject a few moments later, "Can you book us a room in Utah before we leave here?"

Evan nodded, "Yeah. Double or a single?"

"Single. I'm a broke."

"Liar." Evan mumbled amused, pulling out his phone to book a room. Thank God for Hotels.com and Trivago. A normal room would cost them 150 a night,(they pick the nice rooms) but they're realistically only paying $95 plus tax.

Without the wonderful world of bargain shopping, they would have been in debt a long time ago. Trivago saved their butts. Hotels.com made them it's pets.

Wow okay that was weird. With a couple more taps on his old phone screen, Evan was finished booking a room for two days ahead from now. "Done."

"Thanks, Sugar Daddy."

Evan got up to change his clothes, "You're welcome, Sugar Baby."

Evan doesn't act like he usually does when he's around just Connor. He's not so uptight. It's really made him feel a lot better.

Evan finished changing, and Connor stepped out, hair up in a messy bun. "Ready to go?"

Evan smiled, grabbing onto his pre-packed suitcase. "Yep."

I wrote this in like five minutes. I have band camp in the morning so I'm being fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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