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I suddenly decided that twenty one pilots plays a big part in this story.
Anxious wasn't a strong enough word to describe how Evan was feeling when he got inside Connor's car. It reeked of weed and strawberries. The fruit smell confused him but he didn't question it too much. The sun was starting to peek over the horizon as it turned almost 5:30.

The bus would be there to pick him up in two hours, but he'd be long gone. Long gone on a potentially dangerous road trip with a person he didn't know well anymore. This was a perfect idea.

As much as this whole situation made him want to get up and run back inside and sleep, he couldn't turn back. He was packed and there was no changing his mind when he was this close to leaving. It wasn't fair to Connor, and he knew once he got to California he'd be glad he decided to go.

Connor got in the drivers side by Evan and looked at him with an excited smile. "You ready?"

Evan gulped and nodded, forcing a smile for Connor. This was going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay.

"Do you have directions?" Connor asked as he took the car out of park and started driving away from the house. Evan nodded and pulled out his phone from his back pocket.

"Yeah, I have the gps ready." Evan pressed a couple things before Siri called out the first direction.

Connor had one hand on the steering wheel as he messed with a CD. Evan didn't pay much attention to what he was playing, it started out with some wind, some screeching, and then really heavy guitar. Connor was tapping along to the beat, humming along to it, almost inaudible from how loud it was.

"I can't believe how much I hate..."

Evan rolled his head back and let out a small laugh. "Oh my god, you too?"

"What?" Connor looked over at him with his hair in his face, almost covering his smile.

"Jared sung this the whole time we were drunk, I thought he was just making up some edgy song."

Connor looked serious for a moment, "Jared is not capable of making up something as perfect as this song."

Evan nodded and laughed slightly, taking Connor's word for it and listened to the song. He couldn't say it was bad, but he could definitely say it's not something he'd listen to all the time. Especially since he's the kid that listens to the Wicked soundtrack more times a day than he blinks.

"Listen to this one, it's my favorite," Connor pressed a button on the radio a few times before he came to another song that started off with a little screeching before he slammed his hands on the dash and yelled "sippin' on straight chlorine" along with it.

This was a completely different version of Connor that Evan had yet to see. He didn't think he had seen Connor smile this much or look this excited. It was a good change from the boy who came at 10 o'clock to cry on Evan's shoulder a few days ago.

Connor looked happy, very happy. Evan didn't know how long it had been since Connor last had a moment like this, nor did he want to. He just liked to see Connor like this without worry.

"Turn left," Evan's phone said loudly.

Connor flipped the devise off before he turned the car. Evan laughed and slouched down in the seat, feeling much more relaxed than when he first got in. It was moments like these that he didn't want to end.

He decided not to worry about what could happen out on the road, or what could happen when/if they got to California. All he wanted right now was to be on this road and listen to this strange, unknown music. This was perfect.

"I don't make many promises, but I swear on my life that you will know every word to this album before this trip is over," Connor stated, reaching over to light a cigarette.

"I'm holding you to that," Evan said as he rolled down the window a little to let out some of the smoke. Connor rolled his eyes at this and held the burning stick out to him.

"Oh-oh no, I don't, I don't smoke," Evan held his hands up, backing away slightly.

Connor nodded his head before sticking the cigarette back in his mouth and inhaling. "That's alright, but I do it a lot so you might get that secondhand shit we learned about in Health."

Evan nodded slowly, turning his head to look as they passed the end of city limits. Evan let out a shaky breath as anxiety started to bubble up again. What was he doing this for again?

"Hey Ev, look at that," Connor lightly shook his shoulder and pointed at a small orange kitten sitting in the middle of the street. Connor pulled the car over and put it in park, getting out and kneeling down to catch the kitten's attention.

To Evan's surprise, the kitten trotted right up to Connor, letting out a small meow. Evan's heart swelled at the sight of the kitten, a large smile making its way to his face. "My god Ev, it's so fucking cute."

Connor picked up the kitten, holding it tightly in his arms. "Can we keep it?" Connor looked at the orange fluff lovingly, stroking the fur on its head.

"There is no way we are just leaving a kitten out in the middle of the road, of course we're keeping it."

Connor's smile widened as he got back inside the car. "What do you want to name it?" Evan asked, moving closer to get a better view of the small creature.

"Not sure. Should probably figure out what it is before we start naming though." Connor lifted the kitten up and looked at its stomach, eyes brows furrowing together. Another wide smile broke out across his face. "It's a boy!"

Connor grabbed a bright yellow CD case, flipping it over to show a list of songs. "I wanna name him Nico, do you have any ideas?"

Evan thought for a second, "Juniper."

Connor's eyebrows furrowed together, "...that's a plant isn't it?"

Evan nodded shyly, starting to regret suggesting it. Connor pursed his lips before nodding, setting a flat hand underneath a fist.

"Rock, paper, scissors."

Evan nodded, setting his hands the same way in front of Connor's.

"1, 2, 3, go!"

Evan picked scissors, feeling pretty confident. That is until he seen that Connor had picked rock. Connor threw his hands up in victory, picking the kitten up out of his lap and looking him in the eyes.

"I'm gonna make you a badass road kitten, Nico."

Evan laughed, taking Nico from Connor when he was handed to him. Connor took the car out of park and started driving again. "This day keeps getting better."

Evan looked at the way the sunrise made the orange on Nico's fur shine. "Yeah," Evan pet the small kitten softly with a grin on his face. "I agree."

I can feel my writing failing more and more each chapter.

If you couldn't tell I'm intensely in love with trench and twenty one pilots in general. It's a problem.

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