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"We should probably make a pit stop here to get some cat food," Connor said as he flicked on his turn signal. "We don't even know the last time Nico had anything to eat."

"Look at us, already one hundred percent responsible parents," Evan joked sarcastically. He turned around to look in the backseat, smiling at the sight of Nico curled up on top of his suitcase, sleeping soundly.

Connor snickered, a loose smile playing on his lips. His expression immediately change seconds later, "Oh you dumbass! You seen me trying to get that parking space!" Following right after it.

Evan started to feel a little nostalgic as he remembered his mother yelling at people in parking lots like that. When he was a small child it would always scare him when Heidi yelled at people. Now, it just made him laugh, and sometimes he would even yell with her.

"Grab Nico," Connor commanded softly, pulling his wallet out of the glovebox.

"Do they even let cats in Walmart?" Evan asked, even though he already had the cat cradled comfortably in his arms.

Connor hummed, "I had a cat a couple years ago and all the employees at the one back home let me bring him. It's frowned upon but I don't think they'll try an get you for it."

Evan nodded, making a mental note to ask Connor about his late cat. He wondered why he had never heard of it until now, but he was sure he'd find out later today.

Connor locked the car and they both started walking toward the front entrance. Evan sighed happily as his bones cracked, relieving some pressure and tension in his joints. God, he sounds like an old man.

"Is it just me or are Walmarts in Indiana much smaller." Connor asked distractedly, flicking through the poster rack they were about to walk by.

"I think you fail to consider the fact that we live in New York, and everything is considerably bigger."

"Yeah, why is that?" Connor asked, taking his attention away from the posters. "Like why do they call it the "Big Apple'?"

Evan thought for a moment before shrugging, running the orange fur between his fingers. For a young kitten, Nico behaved strangely decent. "I'll have to ask Google later."

Connor nodded, turning his body before clapping his hands loudly. "We're getting off track. My son is hungry."

Connor took off to the pet isle at lightning speed, Evan barely staying on his tail. "Do you even know where the cat food is?"


Even raised his eyebrows, but didn't go any further. It probably wasn't going to be hard to find anything here considering how small it is. Plus, weren't all Walmarts set up the same?

"If it's like the one at home, the cat food should be by the Sporting Goods isle," Evan craned his neck to look at the multiple signs hanging from the ceiling.

"Everything is different though," Connor wined, still trudging through to find the right isle, "the milk isn't even in the back. It's on the side. What kind of monster puts the milk on the side?"

"The kind of monster that also makes it impossible to find cat food," Evan concluded.

Connor huffed, "That's it, I'm suing."

"It's a good thing your parents are lawyers."

"Shitty lawyers at that."

They walked around even longer. How damn hard was it to find cat food? It was getting pretty ridiculous.

Evan was starting to wonder why Walmart didn't have a huge map plastered on every turn of the store. Like an amusement park. Trips to the grocery store aren't usually meant to be frustrating. It should be just a simple get it, get what you need, get out. Nothing more, nothing less.

Then again, he started to think, getting people lost was actually a really good way to make money. If someone comes in to get a box of cereal, they'll probably end up in the gardening area. Which leads them to realize their lifelong dream of selling Non-GMO strawberries could take off in an instant if they just buy all of the tools, soil, and seeds. And, before they know it, what would have been a three dollar trip turned into eighty dollars and a few cents they dropped into the St. John's child foundation container because they felt bad.

It's all really simple. Why wasn't Evan running his own franchise?

"Oh my god, Evan look." Evan pulled himself out of his thoughts to direct his attention to what Connor was pointing at. He gasped, putting an exaggerated hand over his heart.

"It's beautiful. Nico are you seeing this?" A whole isle dedicated to nothing but cats was displayed in front of them. Cat food, litter, toys, towers. They had everything.

Connor walked in first, turning to the cat food. "How long will this fifty pound bag of Meow Mix last?"

Evan let out a little laugh, "fifty pounds? He'd last a whole year." Evan held up the small kitten, "he's so little."

"He needs to grow up big and fat like his daddy," Connor said as he pet the small feline.

Evan chuckled, "Connor, you aren't fat."

"Bold of you to assume I was talking about me."

Connor laughed and started to walk off with the huge sack of food. "Hey wait that's not nice to say about your husband," Evan joked, catching up with him.

"Bold of you to assume I was talking about you," Connor turned back to say, a bright smile on his face that made Evan's heart melt.

Evan let out a fake gasp, "do you have a side hoe?"

Connor tilted his head back as he laughed, slowing down once he reached the self checkout. "Bold of you to assume that there's only one."

Evan suppressed another gasp as he helped Connor scan the barcode. "You have more than one side hoe?"

Once he had scanned the food and paid for it, Connor hiked the bag up onto his shoulders and started walking toward the exit. "Bold of you to assume they're all hoes."

Evan stopped and looked at Connor seriously. "Connor, do you have side shovels?"

Connor gave Evan an equally as serious face. "Yes, I have side shovels."

"That's it," Evan spit playfully as he walked towards the exit without Connor. "We're getting a divorce, thank god we didn't sign a prenup."

He smiled as he heard Connor laugh behind him. This is the best time he's had in a while. Evan couldn't be more glad that he gets to spend this time with Connor.

Whoops this is horrible.

Also, Chloe and Kara from Detroit: Become Human are 100% wife material. I would wife them up any day.

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