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Connor left Evan's house about an hour later. They spent the rest of the time talking about possible places to go, and how the hell they were going to leave for two weeks without them being put under some amber alert. Connor's family would be just about the easiest to deal with considering they gave up and just let Connor do what he wants anyway.

Heidi is going to be a different story thought. Heidi is going to sit and worry herself sick, she'll take off work and classes and search the whole earth until she finds her son. Evan really had no clue how he was going to leave without his mom being drove batshit crazy.

He sat back down on the sofa and turned on the T.V, American Dad blasting through the speakers. Evan set the remote beside him as he watched the ridiculous yet somehow very entertaining program. For the most part his head was in other places, but he'd catch a funny moment and laugh at it before spacing off again.

He thought maybe he could just tell Heidi the truth and she'd understand. He could leave a note on his bed saying that he was
taking a trip to improve his mental health, that's not a lie. Or, he could just go and ask for permission.

No, leaving a note sounds safer.

Evan felt his mind clear and his eyes grow heavy. Before he knew it, he was laying down on the couch with little dribbles of drool running down his face.


"Evan...Evan honey wake up, you're going to be late to school." Heidi shook her sleeping son, a soft smile setting on her lips at the sight of him.

Evan groaned and stretched, coving his eyes with his arm as he arched his back like a cat.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Heidi said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her son's forehead.

"Morning mom," Evan replied in a croaky morning voice. He went and threw one arm around her neck, trying to hug her but being too tired to make a full effort.

"I gotta go head to work soon, so you need to get dressed so I can drop you off at school."

Evan groaned and stuffed his head back into the pillow he had rested on. "Can I stay home today?" Evan asked with a pleading tone.

"I wish you could but you need to go to school, you already aren't going well in math and science and I can't risk you missing any work. That's not going to help you graduate, honey."

"I know," Evan grunted, attempting to sit up.

"Don't forget to take your meds before you leave, okay?" Heidi reminded him as she walked into the kitchen.

"I won't," he sighed. Evan got up onto his feet and walked past his mom as she opened the fridge and grabbed a small cup of yogurt.

He trudged upstairs, still a little hazy from sleeping on the couch. His back and neck ached but he could deal with it. Once Evan had entered his room he opened his closet to see what he could wear that wasn't something he'd worn all week long.

Blue jeans would work. He didn't have a lot but he felt comfortable in them. He decided on a hoodie today, grabbing a green and yellow one he had bought from school. This would be fine for today.

He slipped the clothes on quickly, looking at himself in his full length mirror to see if he looked alright. Not bad, not great, but not bad. He walked over to his bed and grabbed his phone off the charger, stuffing it into his hoodie pocket.

Even walked out of his room and shut the door, walking downstairs a little quicker than he wanted and missing a step. He let out a high pitched squeal as his body jolted forwards, but caught himself just before he fell. His casted arm ached slightly from the sudden jerking movement.

He heard Heidi laugh from the kitchen. "Did you fall down the stairs again?"

"Not this time," he heard her let out another amused laugh.

"Alright Evan, it's 7:40 we gotta haul ass here. You gotta be at school by 8 and I gotta be at work by 9." Heidi said as he gathered her phone and purse. Evan walked to the door before remembering he had forgotten something.

"Crap my backpack!"

"Go get it! Evan we gotta go!" Heidi exclaimed, stretching out the last 'go.' Evan raced upstairs as fast as he could, coming back down in 20 seconds flat. "Damn, you wanna try out for cross country?"

"No, I don't like running. But c'mon Mom we gotta go!" Evan mocked his mom, a smile on his face.

"Ha ha, go get in the car," she said sarcastically as she patted his lower back when he exited the house. They both walked out to the car in a rush, Heidi taking the drivers side and Evan taking shotgun.

Heidi sped out of the driveway, heading off to both of their destinations.


By the time Evan was dropped off and got into class, it was 8:15, so class had already started. Meaning Evan had to walk in and have everyone's eyes on him as he sat down. To make matters worse, he forgot to take his meds this morning, so the whole situation was going to seem a whole lot worse than it actually was.

He sat down at his seat and tried to ignore the eyes on him and the growing pit of anxiety in his stomach. He really wished he had taken his meds today because he felt like he could puke. He'd just have another day where his mom had to pick him up from school because he had an anxiety attack.

Today was going to be just great. He could already feel it.

He couldn't change any of the happenings for today so he just tried to sit back and focus more on the lesson than any of his worries.

Just a lil filler chapter and some mother and son moments. We don't get a lot of those so any mother son bonding time is a good time.

Unless your mom takes you shopping at a place called the "Apple Boutique." That's not a fun bonding time...

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