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Hello, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife.

Your life would never be the same after you heard those words, or rather, barely heard those words.

Dark blue liquid spread across your face like silk. It dripped from your hair into your hands which sat still in your lap.

You had just witnessed a murder - was it a murder? Nothing could make you forget the fear you saw in the eyes of what you thought was just a machine. Why would a machine try to protect you? There was too many questions to answer and your brain refused to respond.

You suddenly felt warmth in your stained hands.

"Hello, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." The voice came from the body of the hand that had reached into yours. Mustering all of your strength, you looked up; the voice belonged to an android. A chiselled, yet soft face was veiled half in shadow, with deep brown eyes so clear that you could see your own thirium drenched self within them. "Do you feel as if you can stand?"

You went to speak but words refused to come, instead, you felt heat form in your eyes. Why did you want to cry? Tears threatened to fall, and despite your denial they fell, hard and steady - shaking your whole body. You began to sob.

"Connor what the hell did you say to her?" Another, rougher, voice approached you. Through blurry vision you managed to make out another man, older, stout.

"I introduced myself. However, from my readings, I believe she is in shock."

"Fuck, anyone would be in shock after witnessing that. Get her out of here, and clean her up."

"Understood, Hank." You heard footsteps reach beside you "Is it okay if I wipe this thirium from your face?"

"O-okay" you croaked, surprised at the sound of your own voice.

"You've been through a lot tonight." The android's voice was soft, coaxing you to relax. "If it is alright with you, I will take you back to the station with Lieutenant Anderson. You can take a shower there, but I will try to clean you as best as possible now."

The android carefully wiped the blue blood from your face, attentive of the way your cheekbones sat, and of how your lips curved. His fingertips gently brushed your soaked hair behind your ear and held your head comfortingly. You felt a light touch caress your eyelids, deftly removing the thirium from your eyelashes. Next to the drumming in your head was a dull drum in your heart. You leaned into the android's hand.

"Are you cold?" The android spoke as he let your head further sink into his grip. For the first time since meeting him, you could clearly see his face. He was handsome - and of course he was, an android could never be ugly - but there was something about the soft crinkle in his eyes that appeared dangerously human like.

"Connor?" You called, hazily recollecting the memories of his introduction.

A blue light flashed at his temple. You hadn't noticed it until now, but it was the one thing clearly distinguishing his android status.


"Oh, I just- I just couldn't remember if that was your name or not. I am cold," You managed a weak smile "Connor."

"I am pleased that you remember my name," Connor removed his jacket and placed it around you "Hopefully this will suffice until we get you to the car."

Holding the small of your waist, Connor helped you up, supporting your wobbly knees.

But that's when you saw it. The corpse, the body, the android, the fear in its lifeless eyes staring at you. It was still there, and the reality of what happened was still there.

Nausea, terror, anxiety, despair, horror - not enough words could describe the feelings that crashed in to you. Were you screaming?

"Hey!" Connor's voice was far away by now, the red light of his LED was like sparkles in the sky.

You looked down at the blue on your hands.

"Hank!" The voice was desperate "Hey, stay with me!"

You were already unconscious.

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now