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The skies had once again become grey, threatening rain, foreshadowing a storm. Winds swept dust and litter from the streets into a dance alongside the trees, drawing your gaze to the familiar decrepit buildings they masked.

You remembered how Hank and Connor looked as you finished recalling your memory; the sunlight had turned orange, the music had concluded to a static, your audience had sunken into their seats, silent in words.

You remembered how two seconds later, Hank had slammed down on the assistance button demanding to be released immediately, and that Connor had already begun packing things to go.

Their eagerness made you smile to yourself - you were happy that your regained memories meant anything to them. You wanted to help, you wanted to not ever feel useless again.

Connor placed the vehicle in park, cranking the emergency brake. You let yourself out to assist Hank from the back, steadying him on to his feet as he attempted to stand.

He gave you a disgruntled glare as you placed a crutch in each of his hands "I don't need these."

"You do if you want to continue this investigation." Connor reappeared after having visited the trunk, a bouquet in hand.

"Flowers?" You questioned, disbelief in your eyes.

"I bought these from the hospital," he placed the flowers in your arms, letting their perfumed aura surround you "I researched that flowers are often considered a comforting gesture. I thought you might wish to mourn the android's death."

You looked up to find Connor's eyes crinkled gently, a sweet smile forming on the corner of his lips.

The sight of him squeezed your chest - choked the air from your lungs.

"You suave little bugger." Hank grinned as he stared at the arrangement "Good job."

Connor adjusted his tie, a look of embarrassment spreading across his face.

"Lets get going." Hank chuckled as he began limping his way towards your destination.

You tugged on Connor's sleeve.

Feeling your heartbeat in your throat, you stood on the tips of your toes. You looked into the android's curious brown eyes as he watched your movements, your gaze lingering just a little longer than 'socially-acceptable'.

You smiled, pressing your lips against the top of his cheekbone.

"Thank you for the flowers."

Connor blinked hard, bringing a hand to the spot you had just kissed.

"Shall we go?" You teased, bringing the soles of your shoes back to the ground.

No response.

You lightly pulled his arm, his long legs stumbling forward. He blinked again, finally beginning to breathe.



The three of you ventured towards the apartments; vermilion rays escaped the clouds and cast themselves upon the architecture, appearing like flames in the cracked bricks. Tiny dandelions had weeded themselves into the infrastructure's breaks, breathing a small amount of life into the otherwise dead building.

You ascended the stairs, letting your fingers drag across the rotted wood rails; you traced along its grooves and marble, suddenly bumping into fingers that were not your own. You looked up to find Connor gazing over his shoulder at you, yellow dancing around his temple.

His hand grabbed yours, intertwining them. You could feel the warmth of his skin, the bone of this knuckles.

His LED hadn't faded back to blue since your bold actions earlier.

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now