12. FREE

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"So, when did the feeling first start?"

"That-" Connor mischievously grinned "that is a rather plain question. I could tell you the probability of alien life, the chemical compounds of anything you can imagine, or even a really good joke - but that is your question?"

"I only get one?" You teased, slapping a fraudulently offended hand against your chest.

Connor's eyes narrowed "You could submit a request for additional questions if you'd like."

"And who would I file my request to?"

"Cyberlife - would you like their contact information?"

You chuckled, swinging your legs as they dangled from the park bench. Although seconds, minutes, and hours continued to leave the past behind, you and Connor remained rooted in time. You sat close to him, basking in his warmth - you refused to bring up the idea of leaving this moment.

"I'm not changing my question," you smiled "but tell me the joke first."

Connor suddenly stood, hovering over you "I do know CPR, in case you start to die from laughter-"

"Oh, my god-"

"How come ants never get colds?" He crossed his arms, eagerly awaiting your response.

Your voice was facetious "Because the cold weather kills them before they can catch one."

"Oh- I hadn't considered that response a possibility..." Connor furrowed his brows " The answer was supposed to be 'because they have little anty-bodies.'"

You could feel your lips grow thin and your eyes begin to crinkle as you attempted not to laugh "That's terrible."

"That joke is not to your preference? What did the buffalo say as he dropped his kid off at school?"



You sucked in a deep breath to keep the giggles from spilling out "Please stop- just answer my original question."

Connor smirked. He fully knew his effects on you.

"Well, to answer your question, when I took the trace sample from you neck, I also detected abnormally high levels of dopamine and norepinephrine - indications that you thought I was attractive."

You groaned in embarrassment, your ears beginning to feel hot.

"I noticed I had an unusual thought process in that moment; what about me did you find attractive? Cyberlife made my looks to help assist in seamless human integration - but Hank never misses the chance to tell me I look goofy."

Connor gently pulled away the arms hiding your red-tinged face. He tilted his head at you, a playful expression across his features.

"You're shy now?"

You groaned again.

"I began to watch you closer, certainly more than necessary for the case. I began to feel that your company was quite pleasurable, and then I realized I was holding your hand more for my sake than for yours. But when you kissed my cheek, I-" he sat back down, abruptly ending his thoughts "I'm talking a lot about myself. I wish to learn more about you."

You huffed at his hasty change of subject "Connor, surely your social module told you that it's mean to leave someone hanging like that?"

"Oh, well-" his words turned into a laugh, the corners of his mouth tugging into a smile "It did, but I've grown somewhat good at ignoring it."

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now