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This was the first real look you had gotten at the crime scene. The room was dark, barely illuminated by a flickering overhead light. Each flicker revealed splashes of blue that were painted across the walls and floors, and in the centre of it all was a lifeless android corpse - untouched, as if you had never left. The metallic smell had made its way to your mouth.

"Tell me everything we know." Hank drew his flashlight, it's click echoing the room.

"Certainly. We know that our victim," Connor gestured towards you, "was found in a state of shock at 00:14 early this morning. We had arrived on scene due to an anonymous, untraceable call, tipping of possible GOR whereabouts. We know that GOR may be an AP400 model, from a clear mark left on the victim's neck. Lastly, we have confirmed that red ice is involved in this case - and that the specific red ice found on our victim had traces of human DNA within it - likely human blood."

"What the fuck are we dealing with," Hank sighed to himself. "Take a look around, see if there's anything we missed, and you..." his eyes met yours. "Just try to remember something."

You gave a small nod as affirmation.

Hank briefly grinned before beginning his investigation in to the room; His flashlight revealed wires upon wires, all dangling from the open beam ceiling. Boxes were stacked chaotically throughout - remnants of what this place may have been. This room belonged to a series of other abandoned apartments, each rotting, each desolate.

Why were you here? An apartment in the middle of nowhere...?

You felt a light tap on your shoulder.

You turned around to see Connor standing close to you - closer than what you thought his social module would specify.

His hair was neatly fixed in its usual fashion, and as always a few small strands rebelled against the rest, providing the only asymmetric thing about him. He was tall, tall enough to direct your eyesight to his body that had been revealed courtesy of the humidity. It's usual white was now translucent, leaving not much to the imagination.

"I know," Connor had sensed you staring at him, "that this must be hard for you."

"I said I would help." you averted your gaze elsewhere, wrapping your arms around yourself.

"I'm sorry the jacket doesn't have zippers."

"What? Oh!" you realized that you were still wearing his jacket. "You must be cold! I'm so sorry!" your hands scrambled frantically to remove it.

Connor grabbed your hands firmly, halting you "It's okay. I'd like it if you wore it," he pulled the black fabric back up your arms and tucked it around your sides. "I'm a machine, I don't feel cold."

His self-deprecating comment made you upset.

"Thank you, Connor." You didn't mean to translate the feeling to your voice.

"Is something the matter?"

You had forgotten how perceptive Connor was about everything. "It makes me feel sad when you call yourself a machine."

Connor's temple turned immediately yellow as the words left your lips. "But I am a machine."

"You're more than just a machine to me." Your reply was quick, instant, leaving no room for any doubt of your words.

"I-" His LED flashed red for a mere second before returning to yellow.

He had clearly not anticipated that response.

"That is kind of you to say." He continued, adjusting his tie. "I will need some time to process this information. However in the meanwhile, I would like it if you continued to use my jacket." He rolled up the sleeves of his fitted button up, revealing his forearms to you. "No goosebumps, see?"

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now