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(** SMUT WARNING ** - If you are uncomfortable with smut, please jump to chapter 15! )


Vulnerability describes the feeling you get when Connor looks at your naked body - how his eyes scan over your every curve, how he freezes for just a moment before telling you that you're gorgeous. He kisses the stitches on your hand, tells you that you're the most perfect thing he's ever seen - and you can't speak - you can only reach up, breathing him in like air. Fingers fumble the buttons of his shirt, and you rip it off - but not fast enough.

Desperately, your hands find Connor's bare chest. He lays you against the mattress, softly stroking your hair before removing the tie you had missed. You grasp for the buckle of his belt, but he whispers "not yet" between kissing down your stomach - sucking and pulling at your skin. He's drinking you in, devouring you. He stops at each scar, each dimple, adoring them - spending his time making you feel precious.

And you love it.

You love the way his weight pressed on top of you makes you feel complete. You love how he smiles into you, enjoys you, and the feeling of his tongue as his head dips between your legs.

Your body gives in to Connor. It responds to him, fires at his touch. You can't control the gratification riding throughout you, and he knows - this is what he wanted, what he told you he ached for.

But now you're aching, needing more than what his lips and fingers can provide.

You grab at his pants again, and this time he doesn't stop you - instead he helps. One hand works the belt, while the other props himself over you. He looks into your eyes,

and you're the only person in his world.

Your hips arch up. He groans at the feeling of you - arms buckle at the way you're grinding against him.

"Connor," you sigh.

He knows what you want by the way you say his name.

"Are you sure?" He asks again.

Precautions, manners.

You press harder into him.

You both know that this isn't enough.

His fingers drag across your thighs, pull at you like he wants to be even closer. All you can feel is him and the heat of where your bodies touch. The pressure inside you is building with each throb, each uncontrollable pulse. It threatens to consume you, to take over you - but you need more, just a bit more - and then he enters you.

And he feels right.

Connor feels so perfectly right.

Your hips meet his - and he gasps as if he had been drowning until now.

He pauses, feeling you, watching the way bliss is written across your face. Your fingers sink into his back as he begins to move - as he becomes greedy.

Everything around you ceases to exist.

Your legs wrap around him, and he thrusts deeper. He kisses your neck, your jaw, your lips - but you can hardly comprehend anything other than the knot of tension between your legs and how it is seconds away from shattering.

You feel close - so dangerously close to losing yourself.

One more push would be all it takes.

One more push to take you away.

Connor doesn't relent- he can feel the way you tighten around him, he can feel the flames inside you. He wants to push you over the edge - he wants to make you scream his name, to make your nails dig into him.

Pleasure soars through your body - releases, explodes. You tremble, moaning into the hand Connor has placed over your mouth. Euphoria intoxicates you - courses through every vein, every artery.

Everything around you ceases to exist.

Everything but Connor and you.


"Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like-"

You groaned, the soft melody rousing you from sleep.

"On Jupiter and Mars..."

Everything was a haze of warmth and ecstasy. You felt a pleasant tingle in your legs, a weakness in your muscles.

"In other words, hold my hand..."

Fingers danced along the skin of your back, tapping with each word.

"In other words, baby, kiss me..."

Lips pressed to your forehead.

"How much longer are you going to pretend to be asleep?"

You forced your eyes open, surprised this happiness wasn't a dream. You were cradled in Connor's arms, head against his broad chest. His eyes were on you, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"It is 7 am, my love. Hank will wake up soon."

"Don't stop singing..." You murmured, reaching up, tucking a strand of rebel hair behind his ear.

"Okay," He chuckled before continuing, "Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more. You are all I long for, all I worship and adore..."

He smiled as he sung. His voice soothed you, brought you to a peace you had never known.

"In other words, please be true."

Your heart felt full.

"In other words,"

So full it might overflow.

"I love you."

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now