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Rain showered the car, drowning out the droning of Hank's heavy metal music.

"Hank, how did you receive GOR's location?" Connor's voice was strained as he tried to speak over a guitar solo.

"Oh, you know." Hank trailed off. He turned the music up louder, wildly drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.


"I just offered some cash for info, and ta-da! We got a fucking hit."

"I thought you stopped engaging with those 'friends'. To reconfirm, they partake in illegal activities-"

The grey haired man shot Connor a quick glare before cranking the metal even louder.

"No harm, no foul."

Hank pulled the car into the parking lot of a large building - a cement cube warehouse on the outskirts of Detroit. Whatever glory it may have seen was now long behind it; it's doors were rusted, it's branding faded, and it's infrastructure in shambles. You saw a tattered sign indicating it once manufactured hospital equipment.

"Perhaps it is as they say," Connor exited the car, walking up to the sinister looking building "you can't judge a book by its cover."

"Ha! I'm pretty sure it's as much of a shithole as it looks." Hank laughed loudly, following after "It safe?"

Connor's LED blinked rapidly, analyzing the edifice "The main components of the building's structure appear to be intact."

Gun drawn, Hank started for the entryway "Alright. You two stay behind me."

The entrance was large, freckled in orange and brown. Hank gently pushed on the door with his firearm ready - the rusted hinges releasing a loud groan before revealing it's insides.

Connor produced a flashlight, spreading its beam across the decrepit interior. It was a long hallway of peeling wallpaper and moldy crevasses, ending in a single door.

You went to step forward before Hank placed a firm hand on your shoulder "Shh!"

You heard a faint humming.

"-hom-... -a-y... pe-..."

"Okay, now that's fucking creepy." Hank whispered "What the hell is that noise?"

Connor walked further down the hall, each step void of any sound, eventually signalling for you and Hank to follow.

"Ang-la... Ol-e... E-ic..."

The humming continued, growing clearer with each stride.

"They're names."

You looked at Connor for a confirmation of his words, finding that Hank had done the same.

"Names?" Hank was disturbed.

The android nodded, his attention focused on listening.

"L-na... -ank... Jo-..."

Connor filled in the gaps "Lina, Frank, Jon..."

"Fuck." Hank sighed heavily "Just... Fuck."

You continued following Connor and Hank's quiet swearing until reaching the door at the end of the hall. A faint light escaped from the bottom of it.

Hank put a finger to his mouth, looking once at you and then at Connor, before silently moving the door ajar.

You clasped a hand over your mouth.

Various medical equipment had been neatly lined in rows, spanning across the room. Littered throughout were trays and carts of what looked to be boxes of needles, some fresh, some used.

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now