13. MORE

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"Stupid... It's so unfair."

You kicked a bucket of clothes over, spilling it's folded contents into disarray. You wanted to step on the cotton, to take your angst out on it - why wouldn't George let you take the car to Detroit? You couldn't understand.

You sighed, picking up the fabric - the clothes hadn't done anything to incur your wrath.

"Is something wrong?"

Tim hovered over you, his hazel eyes peering into yours.

"George wouldn't let me drive to Detroit." You sighed again, refolding a shirt with a snap of your wrist "I'm so bored here. There's no one my age - this place just sucks."

"Detroit can be a dangerous place for a young lady like you." Tim's voice was as silky as always, honey dripping from his Illinois accent "George isn't doing it to be mean."

"You only say that 'cause you can do whatever you want."

Tim's face scrunched into a lopsided grin "Since when did androids get to do whatever they wanted? Did I miss a memo somewhere?"

"No," You glanced down to the floor, embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

Tim gave you a gentle pat on the head, ruffling your hair "It's okay, I know it's easy to forget I'm not human - but nevermind that, I've got a plan."

Your curiosity was piqued.

"How about I tell George I need to go do some shopping in Detroit - you sneak along, we take five dollars from the swear jar, and get you some ice cream- you in?"

"I'm pretty sure that those are all of my quarters though."

Tim rolled his eyes "You in? Or are you in?"

You smiled.

"I'm in."


"A nightmare?" Hank's voice roused you from sleep.

"A memory," You groaned, removing your cheek from the car window.

The drive to Rosewater was a long five hours. The orphanage was located on the outskirts of Geneva in Illinois - a place you hadn't been to since you had left it.

A morbid gut instinct told you that Tim would be there. The Detroit police had sealed off the warehouse and apartments, yet you had overheard Hank talking about about how cases of the contaminated red ice continued to pour in.

The orphanage was the best lead - the only lead.

Hank glanced over his shoulder, noticing your grim expression.

"Reach into the seat pocket behind Connor."

You nodded, stealing a quick look at the brown haired man in the passenger seat. His eyes were closed.

"Is Connor okay?" you questioned "Can androids sleep?"

Hank grumbled, gaze now focused on the road ahead "Said something about sending a report to Cyberlife."

"Um?" your voice was skeptical "Won't they be able to tell he's... you know?"

"I asked the same thing, but he said that he had the situation" Hank mimicked Connor's voice "'under control'. Now reach into that damn pocket will ya?"

You nodded again, this time obliging. Your hand fought through napkins and wrappers finding a rectangular object.

It was a Nintendo 3DS.

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now