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"Hey, the kid's awake. She didn't bump her head or anything did she?"

"No. I managed to catch her in time."

"With those scrawny arms?"

"Lieutenant, did you forget I was an android?"

"Ah, screw you."

You opened your eyes to unfamiliar blue lights. A faint smell of coffee perfumed the air.

"Welcome back." A man with a voice you recognized peered over you. He was an older man, donned with straw-like grey hair. The deep lines in his face appeared earned - you wondered what would have warranted such a tired appearance. "You hanging in there?"

"Her vitals indicate that she isn't fully awake yet, Lieutenant."

"Cut the formal crap would you? I told you to call me Hank when Fowler isn't around."

"Sorry, Hank." Another figure appeared over you, this time it was a silhouette you remembered.

You remembered.

You flung forward to examine your hands. Blood was gone. Unfamiliar clothes. You looked over at Connor, who was the last thing you remember before waking up. What happened?

"You've been unconscious for nine hours, thirty-two minutes and five seconds." Connor smiled.

You gasped.

"Connor, damn it, you've gotta get better at explaining things. Look, I'm Lieutenant Anderson, and if you don't remember, the pretty boy here is named Connor, we work for the Detroit City PD. We tried to get you out of that crime scene last night but-" Lieutenant Anderson took a sharp breath in "You started screaming, then you passed out. It started when you saw all the thirium so we figured it would be best to clean you up before you came to, but we didn't have any female staff so-"

"I cleaned you up." Connor finished the sentence rather proudly, folding his arms behind himself. "I am not a caretaking model by any means, but I think you'll find your hygienic state satisfactory."

You felt your face grow hot at the sudden developments, unsure whether or not it was appropriate to feel embarrassed.

"Oh, do not worry. I am a machine after all." The android said indifferently, as if he had read your thoughts. He then turned to face the Lieutenant who looked as if he had gotten lost in the conversation "When I informed her of who cleaned her, I noticed her heart rate elevated so I thought it might assure her to know that, I as a machine, did not try to take advantage of her unconscious state."

You buried your face in your hands in an attempt to hide.

"Oh, God, Connor! Can you download a subtlety... App or something." Lieutenant Anderson gave the android a hefty smach on the back.

"I will..." Connor grimaced from the impact "...Make a note of that."

Lieutenant Anderson sighed and sat on the couch beside you "Getting this shit show back on track, can you remember anything of the incident that happened last night?"


What did you remember? It felt as if everything up until this moment in time was a collection of static. You tried to shuffle through the memories, hoping to find anything.

But there was nothing.

"I don't know. I can't remember." you whispered softly, pulling at the jacket sleeve you were wearing - It was Connor's, the same one he offered from you before.

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now