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"Detroit is so big!" You gasped, eyes wide.

Everything glowed neon above you - malls as big as skyscrapers, rails reaching so tall it seemed as if the trains flew through the clouds.

"Makes it easy to get lost, huh?" Tim squeezed your arm. "Stick with me okay?"

"Mhm!" You chirped, breathing in the sights and smells as if your life depended on it.

The sounds of street performers mixed with the chaotic noises of politics, store chimes, and chatter. For once, you felt so alive, so exhilarated.

You loved the city, loved how people would run around with their coffee cups spilling, how they would smile and swear - had places to be, family to visit.

If you lived here - in a sleepless city with bustling people - would it make you feel less alone?

Would you have things to do?

People to visit?

A strange heat began forming in your eyes.

"Tim," your voice wavered, "do you ever think I could live in a place like this?"

"What do you mean?" He led you to a bench overlooking a fountain.

You bit your lip. "I don't think I'm going to be adopted."

"Hey, now," Tim's expression grew sad, "why would you say that?"

"I've watched so many kids come and go." You breathed deeply. "I'm not dumb. I know that no one wants me, I'm worthless."

Tim pulled your head to his shoulder, letting you hide the tears threatening to fall.

"You can't base your value off others - those people who don't want to adopt you are all idiots. They're nervous of how smart you are, how much talent you possess."

You sniffled into his sleeve, "Ugh, you're so full of crap - but thank you."

"I'm not just saying things." Tim laughed, stroking your hair. "I'm not programed to be inefficient, why would I waste time lying?"

You sat up, rubbing your eyes. "I guess I'll believe you."

"And you know," Tim smiled at you, gaze sparkling - full of hope. "If you want to live in Detroit one day, I believe that you will."



"Money - in cash,"

"And a cellphone."

The three of you stood in Hanks room, over the scattered contents of the black bag.

You had steeled your emotions, focused your mind. You weren't a police officer. You had no training on offense, defense, or investigation - but you were no longer a girl who would hide while others protected you.

Today you would visit the graves of children and your family.

Today you would hunt for GOR - you would find Tim.

But first, you needed to understand why you were at this motel before - to connect the last piece of the missing memories. Or, at least attempt to.

"Clothes makes sense, you obviously planned to stay in Geneva for a few days," Hank mumbled, crossing his arms.

"Not the cash though." Your eyes narrowed. "I never carry cash - I'm always broke. There must be at least 500 here."

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now