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"Shit", you thought to yourself, dragging the word out in your head. The beam of Hank's flashlight could barely reach five feet down the chute - and the only thing it did manage to reveal was webs and dust.

Every horror game you'd ever played told you this was a bad idea - a terrible idea. Zombies would await you, pulling you from the chute as you grew closer - they'd bite into your neck as you tried to run away, spewing acid into the wound-

"Second thoughts, kid?" Hank tapped your shoulder.

You jumped, pulling away from the chute - hiding your irrational fear with a smile. "For the record, zombies aren't biologically possible right?"

"I suppose it is actually possible." Connor grinned, crossing his arms across his chest. "Ophiocordyceps unilateralis - a fungi with the ability to hijack an ant's brain and alter its behaviour into spreading the fungi."

Your eyes grew wide listening to the story.

"If a virus were able to manipulate the human brain like so, and then cause humans to transfer the virus through biting-"

Hank smacked Connor across the back. "Put a sock in it, will ya? You're freaking her out."

"She asked." He grinned again. "And I always do my best to answer."

You looked at Connor and Hank's expressions.

Brown and blue eyes crinkled, lips curled into smiles.

You thought back to how Connor held Hank in the rain, and how you held Hank as he cried in your arms.

Every horror game you'd ever played told you this was a bad idea - but if you could protect their happiness, then this was the best damn idea you've ever had.

"Alright." You rolled up your sleeves and pushed the hair from your face. "I'm ready."

Hank gave Connor a small pat, stopping and nodding to you before leaving the room.

Connor walked up as he left, affixing a small pocket light to your vest. "Hank and I will need to head back downstairs as soon as you start your descent." He frowned. "You don't need to do this. We can wait-"

"No, we can't." You bit your lip. "More people will die, more androids will die. If he is here, we need to finish this now."

Connor sighed, wrapping his arms around you. His grip was strained, desperate.

"I hate that I can't protect you."

He ran his thumb across the bottom of your jaw, tilting your face towards his, pressing his lips into yours.

"Be careful," Connor's voice was quiet, restained, "for my sake."

He dipped his head down and against your neck, pressing a small kiss into your skin.

"Be careful, for this selfish android who loves you."

You swallowed hard, keeping the tears and heat from crawling up your throat.

"Kids," Hank's voice rang from outside the room. "If we're doing this, we need to act now."

Connor pulled away first, fixing your hair, straightening out your shirt and vest - you repaid the gesture, reaching up to smooth his loose strands, and adjust his tie. His LED flashed yellow in response, a bashful look spreading across his features.

He can make that look too, you smiled to yourself. What other expressions hadn't you seen yet?

You placed the precious thought into the back of your mind - you could think about it after.

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now