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One word, two syllables, seven letters, a finite definition.

You couldn't seem to shake the word from your head.

A bed had never felt so comfortable; you sunk into its cotton, letting it ease your tired bones and weak muscles. Dull shades of neon sparkled from the ceiling - glow in the dark stickers, a relic from the past.

You glanced at the clock, eyes wide despite the ebony sky.

12:20 am.

When you arrived back to Hank's house, he silently led you past the kitchen, to the last room in the hall - to a room that hadn't been used in three years.

He didn't say anything as he cracked open its seal of dust, or as he changed the sheets. He wordlessly made the bed and fluffed the pillows, making the room perfect for you. It wasn't until he reached his own room that he muttered a hushed 'goodnight kid' - You never thought a quiet voice could be so deafening.

The stickers created a galaxy above you - planets, moons, stars. You found yourself lost in how its gleam highlighted the kernels of the ceiling - creating shadow, light, and fantasies of faraway lands.

A quiet click, and a small sliver of fluorescents brought you back to earth; soft footsteps growing closer, one by one.

You recognized the lean figure as it loomed over you.


He sat on the edge of the bed, depressing its springs. He was illuminated by the cosmos, his own blue glow adding to its brilliance.

Connor's lips were parted. He spoke as if you were the only other person in this universe with him.

"Do you want to sneak out?"

The midnight wind was crisp, cooling your skin, reddening your cheeks.

Connor led you to a park; it was small, quiet - abandoned for the night. He stood by its river, overlooking the distant lights of the city's heart.

"Are you cold?"

You looked over to find Connor's eyes taking you in, analyzing your shivers.

"A little," you smiled "but it's okay."

He begun taking off his jacket, placing it over your shoulders before you could start your protest.

You pulled at the sleeves, stealing the warmth that lingered "Are you sure I can wear this? I might take it for days again."

"I'm sure." Connor's eyes crinkled as he grinned "Besides, I quite like the way you look in it."

You felt bewitched by his charm, intoxicated by his scent.

"I used to despise deviants," Connor leaned forward, resting his arms against the river's railing "I'm not sure why exactly, it was probably a part of my programming. Ever since becoming sentient, I realized that deviants are rather commendable. I-" he sighed, shaking his head "I'm still having difficulties understanding what I'm feeling."

You placed a reassuring hand on his arm "Maybe I can help?"

"I was hoping you might say that." His lips curled as he repaid the gesture "I've been... thinking a lot lately, about things unrelated to the case. The android from your memory who said that he admired you - what does it feel like to admire someone?"

You paused, caught off guard by the sincerity in his voice "I suppose it's a form of appreciation or approval. Like how you admire Hank for his detective skills."

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now