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"Wake up!"

Your eyes flew open.

"We have to go."

You took in your surroundings, gazing frantically.

Thirium dripped from metal frames, bringing your eyes to the android corpses it once belonged to. Bodies were shackled, mutilated - biocomponents hung like lights.

"He'll be back any second."

The only other source of life stood before you, ripping binds off your arms, untying constraints.

"I know you're confused, but we are in danger," you caught a glimpse of red light on his temple "we need to go now."

You tried moving your leg forward, stumbling into the man.

"You've lost a lot of blood..." He kept his voice low as he braced your fall. He wrapped your arm around his neck, moving your body forward with his "Listen to me- you've been here for three days. I am an android- I will help you escape but you need to do exactly what I say."

He dragged you behind a cart housing severed android limbs. A strong smell of chemicals assaulted your senses.

The android placed a hand over your mouth, pressing you against himself.

"Don't move."

The person you were warned about came like a storm. Clashing of steel thundered throughout the room - its contents becoming a tornado.

"Where are you..?" The rage in the man's voice was coated in sugar "Its time for bed-"

The android's grip on you grew tighter as he placed a hand over his LED.

"You know I'll get in trouble if I don't tuck you in properly..."

The reflection of a crimson glow flickered against the wall.

"I said it's time for bed you fucking brats," the sound headed towards you "but I'll forgive you if you listen to me, I'll forgive you if you say you're sorry-"

You shut your eyes, afraid to breathe.

The footsteps grew closer,

and closer,

and closer,

until they stopped.

A hand grabbed your throat, slamming you into the ground.

You desperately clawed at the fingers that pinned you, growing weaker with each swing.

Just as you felt your arms drop, the force disappeared - a loud clash following in the distance.

You gratefully gasped in the air you had been denied, your voice coming out as nothing but choked sputters. Your eyes opened to see that the android had tackled your assailant into a shelf.

"Run-!" His scream echoed throughout the room.

Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you clambered off the ground. You could no longer hear the man or the android fighting; you could only hear the beating of your heart and how your feet stomped against the cement. You ran towards the only door you could see.

You shook the knob furiously, begging it to open - it was locked.

You had to find a key.

You ran to what looked like a makeshift desk. You dug through piles of obsessive writing, photos - whatever your hands could reach - eventually finding a small silver key stabbed into a groove of the desk's wood.

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now