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You stood in front of the mirror. Bruises were sprinkled throughout your skin, all blossoming different colors. One in particular stood out from the others; a hand print ghosting fingers around your throat - a mark from your close call with death - one that you couldn't even remember.

Among the bruises were tiny scrapes and cuts, all that had been treated with nanomachine band-aids, which you decided was Connor's doing. You shuddered at the thought of Connor meticulously examining every nook and cranny of your body. You thought about how his finger tips might have touched your skin as he placed the band-aids, which ranged from your neck to your waist to the inside of your thighs.

"Are you okay?" Connor's voice rung from outside the locker room "I have detected an increased heart rate."

You really needed to be careful about that.

Brushing away the thoughts and the heat within your cheeks, you calmed your chest and your shaky voice "I'm okay!"

You slid Connor's jacket back over your arms, concealing the trauma of the night before. You splashed your face with cool water, and fixed your hair in an attempt to convince yourself that you were ready to revisit the crime scene. But you weren't.

You exited the locker room to see Connor extending a coffee towards you.

"I've heard that coffee is a common stress-reliever in humans," The android's lips curved into a grin "although, I've also heard reviews of how terrible this coffee tastes. I thought it might be worth a shot. It has just a bit of cream, just how you like it."

You grabbed the paper cup from Connor's hand and cradled it close to you, surprise clear on your face "How did you know that?"

"I told you that I've done a background check on you." His response was matter-of-fact.

"They have my coffee preferences?"

Connor smiled sweetly as an answer. You were unsure if you felt alarmed or intrigued.

"You kids ready to go?" Hank swung open the door to the lounge area, eyes suddenly large on you "When'd you get that?" He was pointing to the marks across your neck.

"I did not see that while I was cleaning her. Judging from the color, I believe it would have formed within the last one to two hours." Connor also started inspecting you.

"Pretty boy, can you get a model ID from the hand shape? Assuming that it's a deviant's mark. It's pretty damn clear." Hank's expression was severe.

Connor's light blinked blue "Excellent idea Hank! It may be possible. May I?" He gestured to your neck.

You pulled his jacket down to your shoulders to reveal the mark in full. A glance from the crystal-clear reflection of yourself in Connor's eyes had shown you that it had become even darker.

"This may be uncomfortable."

Connor cautiously wrapped his fingers around your neck, as if he was nervous of hurting you. Each finger was scrupulously placed, lining up with the bruises - and then he lightly squeezed.

A small voice escaped from your mouth as he pressed into your skin.

"Shit. I didn't realize how bad the damage was." Hank watched closely, surveying the purple, brown and green spots.

Connor's LED turned yellow. "I am sorry," His eyebrows creased "Please just another minute more."

You closed your eyes. Why did this hurt so bad?

Why were you so nervous?

The android's fingers released you, and as if Hank felt bad, he let out a breath of what seemed to be relief. "Well?"

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now