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"Knock, knock."

"Who's there?" You replied, untying your apron.

"Just me." Tim opened the door, a grin wide across his face. "I know you said you didn't want any presents for your birthday, but I couldn't help it."

"Tim!" A smile broke through your pretend pout as you hopped on your bed, sitting crossed legged. "Thank you."

He sat down beside you, handing you a small card. "It's not everyday you turn 18."

You glanced at Tim once more before carefully opening the envelope. The card itself appeared to be handmade; it was construction paper full of scribbles you weren't exactly sure what of - but you thought you saw at least a dog and cat.

"Did you draw this?" You asked, giggling.

Tim playfully rolled his eyes, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm good at housework, not drawing."

You laughed again, taking your time to admire the work he had put into the card before opening it.

Sparkles, and a neat bundle of 100 dollar bills fell out, resting on your lap.

"You've been working so hard since we had that talk of moving to Detroit." Tim placed a comforting hand on your back, gently rubbing. "I knew you were really close to what you needed - and I wanted to help."

You opened your mouth, words refusing to come. "How-" You looked up, back down, and then up again. "How did you-?"

He pointed to his temple. "It's pretty easy to pass for a human when you don't have an LED. I took on a few graveyard shifts, labour jobs - I don't have to sleep like you do."

You shoulders began to shake, your eyes feeling hot.

"Tim- I can't- I don't- I don't know what to say or how to repay you-"

"Then don't say anything." He grinned again, wiping a tear from your cheek. "Follow your dreams - move to Detroit. That's all I need."

Deep breath in.

You looked at the orphanage in the distance - how its deteriorating cobblestones begged you to walk down them - begged you to return to the past.

Connor's fingers reached back from the passenger seat and intertwined themselves with yours.

"Does my hand still calm you," He smiled, "my love?"

You saw Hank grinning in the rearview mirror. "That's cute and all, but stop. I still have trauma from seeing you two making out."

"From when you spied on us at the park?"

"For the last time, I was not spying!"

You smirked at their banter, gaze still lingering on your childhood home.

The moment you stepped out of this car you would be forced to remember what you had tried so desperately to forget. Your childhood, the massacre, Tim - the old Tim, the new GOR. You would have to face it all - but you wouldn't be alone.

You had Hank, and you had Connor.

You finally let out a deep breath, a bright smile spreading across your face. "What's the plan?"

"Uh," Hank froze, caught off guard from your sudden enthusiasm. "Well, what is the plan Connor?"

Connor folded his arms across his chest. "We came here because it was our only lead - we don't know if Tim is actually at the orphanage, but we should proceed as if he is." He faced you. "Can you remember the layout of the building?"

Save me - [COMPLETE] Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now