Chapter Ten

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Peeta POV
Katniss and I have reopened the bakery after the long process of rebuilding we have pictures of my dad Charlie my two older brothers Will and Evan,on the sign below the pictures we added in loving memory of Charlie,Will & Evan Mellark.  We thought about instead of planning our wedding  that Katniss and I will just get married in the meadow because we don't have anyone left to come see us.

We are getting married today we both have been through so much together & Katniss's suicide attempts when Snow was hijacking my mind to kill her when I was in the capital, I'm thankful I'm 95% cured with the help of Dr. Aruleuis. We don't want to wait anymore. At this very moment Katniss stands in front of me her bouquet her favorite flowers that Prim's named after Primroses  the priest says the last words of the ceremony for the both of us to say to one another.

Peeta - I Peeta James Mellark take you Katniss Seraphina Everdeen to be my lawfully wedded wife

Katniss - I Katniss Seraphina Everdeen take you Peeta James Mellark to be my lawfully wedded husband

Both - to have & to hold, to love & to cherish, in sickness and in health, until death do us part,

With his ring I thee wed

Both - I do

We smile as we put our rings on each other's ring finger, then the priest says

Priest- by the power vested in me in the district of district 12 of Panem

I now pronounce husband and wife
you may kiss the bride

We hold each other close and we kiss deeply and passionately we only to pull away for air. We smile & kiss tenderly & turn around to the priest & thank him

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Mellark

Peeta & katniss - thank you for helping us with our wedding we're very greatful. We go home as husband & wife. We're finally able to live our lives together in peace w/o Snow & The Hunger Games.

Sorry so short I hope you enjoyed the chapter I will update when I know what I want to write I will update probably as I have been & I hope you're enjoying my story. I was working on my other books if you could check my other books out I'd like that Thank you for being patient and staying with me it  means the world to me
Thank you!

Love of love

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